Anyone Else Ordered from ""??

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Oct 26, 2002
Tipp City, Ohio
On 12/11/02 I ordered over $30 worth of genuine *ag*ite replacement parts from this site. Paid for items via PayPal.

I have yet to receive product or any responses to numerous "customer service" order status request e-mails.

The PayPal confirmation e-mail I received on 12/12/02 lists "DESIGNER BAITS" as supplier name. Also listed is contact e-mail address and phone number.

After several e-mail requests on the status of my order with no responses, I attempted to call the phone number listed on the PayPal statement yesterday afternoon. Several times, actually, and could get no answer whatsoever.

The ORDEROUTDOORS.C*M website lists no phone numbers or addresses that I could find.

They are in some way also affiliated with "OUTDOORSUPPLY.C*M".

This is the first time I have ever had any problems with any on-line order I have placed.

Has anyone else ever ordered from this site? I'd like to at least determine if it is a legitimate operation.

Thanks in advance - John
Thanks Rifter,

I believe I did find that address and a phone number via yellow pages, but the numbers given were bogus - one was some "talk" line recorded message, and the other was not a working number.

I did send e-mail warning of persuing legal action if no response within three business days...

I may just have to take your advice and send same via USPS...Thanks again - John

PS - Since that site utilizes the Americart "shopping cart" service, my order should be in their records. I may also try and give them a call.
Try this information:

Teague, John & Donna
4024 Foxridge Lane

Used and using known info you had was able to find neighborhood listings and then this "popped" up in that list.

This was in same list:
Teague, John L
4024 Foxridge Lane

Good Luck,


1/9/03 - PayPal contacted - transaction dispute claim filed.

1/10/03 - Supplier shipped product.

1/13/02 - Shipment received - all items accounted for.

1/13/02 - PayPal contacted - transaction dispute cancelled due to receipt of products.

Thanks for the advice, Marty!

i too placed an order from has been 4 weeks now and i haven't heard anything from them. i tried multiple e mails to thier various address' and phone call attempts to 2 different numbers that just take you to an answering machine. Any ideas on how to get this problem solved? i have just sent an email to americart. who transaction went through. waiting to see if they respond.
I paid for and did not receive my product. There was no response from my calls and emails. I sent a complaint to: Office of Consumer Affairs,2 MLK S.E.,Suite 356, Atlanta, GA 30334.
This thread is six years old. Problems with transactions are dealt with in the MarketPlace now.

We'll put this thread back to rest, as it should be.
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