I was invited to go 4wheeling with some people I have never really hung out with. I showed up after dark to unload my wheeler, and this fellow and his son approached and asked, "Need a flashlight?". I almost lost it, I let out a hysterical laugh, then said calmly, "Man I am horribly addicted to flashlights, and have 4 on my person"
I then pulled out my G2 with cree drop in. Everyone was like, "WOW!"
I waited until we had been riding for awhile before I busted out the Tiablo A9 on fresh cells. Then I got another "WOW", later I used the P3D which received a "Whoa!"
I used the A9 for pointing stars during a "beginners astronomy lesson", at one of the break spots. Everyone seemed completely mesmorized that I even knew the constallations, much less several star names.
We had a load of fun, and I thought I would share the flashaholic moments.
I then pulled out my G2 with cree drop in. Everyone was like, "WOW!"
I waited until we had been riding for awhile before I busted out the Tiablo A9 on fresh cells. Then I got another "WOW", later I used the P3D which received a "Whoa!"
I used the A9 for pointing stars during a "beginners astronomy lesson", at one of the break spots. Everyone seemed completely mesmorized that I even knew the constallations, much less several star names.
We had a load of fun, and I thought I would share the flashaholic moments.