Anyone ever ask you: Need a flashlight?


Aug 31, 2007
Webster Parish Louisiana
I was invited to go 4wheeling with some people I have never really hung out with. I showed up after dark to unload my wheeler, and this fellow and his son approached and asked, "Need a flashlight?". I almost lost it, I let out a hysterical laugh, then said calmly, "Man I am horribly addicted to flashlights, and have 4 on my person"

I then pulled out my G2 with cree drop in. Everyone was like, "WOW!"

I waited until we had been riding for awhile before I busted out the Tiablo A9 on fresh cells. Then I got another "WOW", later I used the P3D which received a "Whoa!"

I used the A9 for pointing stars during a "beginners astronomy lesson", at one of the break spots. Everyone seemed completely mesmorized that I even knew the constallations, much less several star names.

We had a load of fun, and I thought I would share the flashaholic moments.
I know the feeling I work for WOW cable in michigan and when i am in customers houses I always get asked if i need a flashlight. I carry a minimag with cree upgrade and when most people see it, its like a deer in headlights.
I don't loan out my flashlights. 123As are too expensive and rechargeables disappear.

However, it is amusing. I was carrying my [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Brinkmann Maxfire LX one day when I was at the mechanics. He wanted to show me something and try to tell me that he was about to...err..."fix" something. Anyways, he was shining his little minimag and I pulled out my Brinkmann and shinned it. He was amazed at the light output. I wonder how amazed he would have been if I had been carrying a "good" flashlight.
At my job we are issued SF 8AX Commanders, so everyone has a light, but my Tiablo A8S blows the 8AX away. I also carry a G2Z with a Cree dropin in a V70 holster.

My coworkers know better than to ask me for a light. Or a knife, since I carry three and will pull out one in each hand when they ask for a blade to cut something open with.
Once my boss came up to me and asked (literally): "I need your brightest smallest flashlight!"

YEAH! :twothumbs:

He needed a light to illuminate a sample from the opposite side, since the microscope we have in our university department only has lights on one side. Out came my E1L; light needed to be short, and the sample was small, so the beam was perfect for that.
Never happened to me, due to my obsession, but it happened to my girlfriend. Whilst installing a computer behind a dark desk, she was offered a plastic 2D Eveready. They were too late though, she already had her Fenix L0D-CE in hand.
Nobody's ever asked me, but I'd probably laugh if anyone did. Then, with my luck, I'd probably go through my pockets and realize with a sinking feeling, that I've forgotten to bring any of my lights.
They didn't ask me, but they did ask a friend. She was about to take the crappy incandescent light she was being offered, when I said "you're probably better off with this one" and handed her my 123 Cree. :)

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