Anyone ever modify a vintage Darrell Allan dive light?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 30, 2010
Tacoma - Washington
Hello All-

I realize there are lighter, brighter and all-together more modern solutions to the underwater light solution, but:

There remains something so cool about these vintage chunky aluminum dive lights, (Darrell Allan, USPEC and the like.)

Has anyone brought one of these old clunkers into the 21st century? I would love to hear the thoughts & ideas of those more informed than myself on the topic.

And yes: I just scored an old Darrell Allan dive light for peanuts on it begged the question. thanks in advance for your replies...
Its been talked about here for sure. But I dont recall of a specific oldschool divelight being resurected and "brought into the 21th century". Then again, I dont really browse the divelight section very often. Sometimes I want to pickup scubadiving as a hobby just to fuel my flashafolicism :laughing:. I want to go pickup one of these classics and give it a shot. Maybe put a P7 in, or three :naughty:.
Its been talked about here for sure...

I imagine it's been thought about even more than it's been talked about.

...Maybe put a P7 in, or three :naughty:.

A P7? Are you kidding? Lights like the Darrell Allen scream for SST90's. They have room for big aspherics or reflectors that would allow some sweet beams.

I've actually been thinking about building one with several SST90's (maybe 4?), just to see if I can get arrested for turning it on in public. With aspherics and a strobe, it could be used to stun people at 100 yds...

The only thing keeping me from doing this is that I really don't want this light. Even with the more reasonable brightness provided by SmurfTacular's suggestions, the kit is just too large for me to want to carry it on a dive, or anywhere else for that matter, when much smaller lights are sufficient. And spending a few hundred dollars and many hours on a toy I'll use a few times just isn't my style.
