Anyone have a SureFire Z49 Click-On, Lock-Out TailCap on their G2L / G2?


Mar 23, 2006
Anyone have a SureFire Z49 / Z59 Click-On, Lock-Out TailCap on their G2L / G2? I would love to see a pic of a (black color) G2L / G2 with a (black color) Z49 / Z59 tailcap. Please post pic. Thanks.
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Well, I don't have a black G2, but I put a Z49 on a yellow one and took this pic for you, if it is any help. The OD of the Z49 is slightly larger than the G2, but barely noticeable.

Hmmm, this makes a good light. Maybe Surefire should start making yellow Z49s, lol.

Thanks for the pic!

I wonder how the black Z49 will look on a black G2L with current black aluminum head. Does any one have a pic with this combo?
I think I remember Size15's posting a ton of SF lego pictures, including the one you're looking for, a while back. Try restricting your search to his posts, or maybe he'll pop in here and help you out?
I don't have Photoshop, but maybe someone can photoshop it to black? I would give it a go with the software I have if I was at home.
I have seen Size15's pic but it was not the combo I was looking for. Thanks for the pic, mebiuspower.

I would like to see close up pics of the Black Z49 on a black G2L with current black aluminum head.
Hahaha, best pic ever!!! Took me too long to find it lol
I ordered a Z49 last week for one of my C2's, should be here this week I'm thinking (not sure how quick SF ships). I have a G2L that I can toss it on and take a pic for you once it gets here. I'll just need to remember :)
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