Anyone Into Rubber Band Guns?


Feb 2, 2003
Los Angeles
I'm thinking of buying one for several reasons:

1) I'm thinking of using it to blow away bugs I see around the house. I know I am good enough to kill flies on the wall shooting by hand, so I figure I can be more accurate and have some quick follow up shots with a rubber band gun.

2) Its seems like a fun idea - better than swinging with a fly swatter.

3) Guns and ammo are cheap (how often can you say a gun you want is cheap?)

I've never owned one - can anyone make some recommendations model wise?


Check out this gun I found for only only $29.95. Here are some of it's features:

# Variable Rate of Fire : With a little practice, you can accurately control both the rate of fire in full auto, and the length of bursts, or you can elect to fire in a single-shot / semi-automatic mode.

# Shotgun Mode : Select this mode and the whole magazine unloads as a single "shotgun charge".

# Folding Stock : Combined with the sights, this enables the Firewheel to be used as an accurate sniping rifle.

Magazine Capacity : 10-Shot

The site even has a video clip of the gun in action.

When was the last time your bought a select fire gun with a folding stock for under $30?:)

Not saying I need anything this fancy, really just looking for a good bug eliminator.

I got one at a dollar store, nothing fancy, for bugs I use the plastic air soft guns, as long as they are not near my electronics, or glass.