anyone looking for an Osram Ostar 6 die emitters

Am considering running sort of a group buy on Osram Ostar 6 die emitters mounted to a star, no optics, white 4200k. See here

Reply here or send me a PM with interest, or for additional info.

Hey Ovlovder,
As I see that you are new to CPF, I would suggest you re-read the rules if in fact you are trying to sell something. :thinking: I'm not to sure do to your post but it seems like you are selling something.

If you are selling something you can not do that here you need to take it over to the MarketPlace were items can be sold.

I will contact a moderator and see if they can move this thread.
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If you would like to conduct a group buy or other sale, you may post in the appropriate forum at the CPF Market Place. ;)

Thread closed