Anyone remember the Fenix L0P?


Dec 6, 2005
New York City
So I just dug out my Fenix L0P today... and man is it a great light. Nice output, smooth beam... only problem is its short runtime. Got me thinking, if I could have a L0P-CE with one mode (about as bright as the old Luxeon model) and a floodier beam pattern, it would easily be one of my favorite lights. The Cree would fix the problem of extremely short runtime, and the single, lower brightness mode would mean no PWM for my sensitive eyes.

Anybody else think that'd be great?
Man, that LD01 is getting harder and harder to resist. I keep looking at my car keys thinking I need to have a light on there. :devil:
Did I mention that I wanted one mode, no PWM? Geez, some people don't read... but yeah Marduke, that LD01 does look sweet, especially the SS model.

greenLED you should get in on the Makos that Endeavour's making... Ti, ~$100, 1xAAA and two stages... it should be phenomenal.
Did I mention that I wanted one mode, no PWM? Geez, some people don't read... but yeah Marduke, that LD01 does look sweet, especially the SS model.

greenLED you should get in on the Makos that Endeavour's making... Ti, ~$100, 1xAAA and two stages... it should be phenomenal.

I like the Tiablo A1 as a single mode AAA light.It is probably a lot brighter than the LOP since it uses the Rebel 100(I don't have a LOP for comparison).The Tiablo A1 got a bad rep for overstated output claims but it is still a nice light.One thing of note with this light,on my three examples the tint was different for each light.One is very warm,one cool and the other is in between.Also don't confuse this light with the Tiablo MA1 two stage version.The MA1 is reported to be much less efficient even though it has two levels.
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So I just dug out my Fenix L0P today... and man is it a great light. Nice output, smooth beam... only problem is its short runtime.

Problem solved!


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Is that an elusive E1-47? Or your own mod?

It's my seoul mod with reflector shaved from the back for smooth focus and so that the bezel can be tightened all the way against the head. The SSC-P4 USV0H is epoxy-bonded on the old Nichia power LED board. It's about as bright as the L0P Luxeon was.

The E1-47 was similar but used a luxeon emitter, removed the original Nichia board, and filled the space with hot glue.

Both mods retain the original runtime.

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