Anyone used a Coleman 3AAA Multi-Color?

May 19, 2005
Seattle, WA
I was browsing Fred Meyer the other day, and came across this

It looked well-made, with a textured reflector, and a red and blue 3mm led on either side of the Cree. I think the body was aluminum. Rotating the head selects between white, red, and blue, and a tailcap switch turns it on/off.

I'll probably pick one up soon, since it's so cheap, but I'm wondering if anyone else has one and what they think of it.
I got one for 29.99+ tax hair bit high think it should be 25. But says 115 lumens I"m going to guess about 85ish out the front...I took it camping in bad weather and it worked great. I do like having the 3 colors in it.....since the 5mm will burn a long time if you search under me I got beamshots
I picked up the 115 lumen 3AAA Multi-color. Nice solid little flashlight.
I picked up this light about a month back mainly to be used as a hunting light. The red light was for dawn and dusk walking and the blue as a blood light. I found that the blue light was not nearly as bright to function as a tracking light. I have since purchased lens covers to use over my P6 and find them much more useful.
The one you linked to is the older XR-C version, which is consistant with the Colemans that Fred Meyer tends to carry. You can find the newer XR-E version at Walmart.
The output of the colored LEDs is pretty comparable with the photon. They are plenty bright to find your way with. I had mine about 15 minutes before my Wife confiscated it from me to be her middle of the night light. It is well built and not a bad deal for the money.
Alright, thanks to everyone for the info. Walmart is quite a ways from where I am, I think the closest one is about an hour away. I'll see if I can find a newer one online.
I didn't know it was possible to be more than 10 minutes away from a Wallmart anywhere in the US. :eek:oo: Though that still doesn't mean I'll shop in one.
Anyone know if the blue LEDs easily assessable for modding? Will an 18500 fit in there to replace the 3x AAA and holder?
FYI - I have the exact same model, but with green vs blue -
There were/are two models - one with blue, and one with green.
both models had red and the center white thrower.
FYI - I have the exact same model, but with green vs blue -
There were/are two models - one with blue, and one with green.
both models had red and the center white thrower.

What color is the green? Is it the color I like to call true green, or the (IMHO) ugly bluish green like:
How hard would it be to replace the xr-c with a xr-e r2? And is there a lithium battery that would fit? I also wonder if theres room for another driver because it would be nice to have multi mode
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Great thanks electromage! I've a weakness for multi-coloured output lights so now I've got to add this to my "must have" list along with a new Streamlight Night Com (LED version) & Proton Pro :broke:

International shipping fees :scowl:
Ah finally found a thread on this one. Yea it is still 25 dollars at walmart, works pretty good. My only real gripe is that the thing doesn't angle past 45 degrees. Other than that...and its kind of fibby lumens it is pretty good for the money.
I had one about a year ago. I put it in my front jeans pocket and forgot about it. Went bicycle riding and when I took it out, the top had broken off. I sent it back to Coleman and they sent me a new one. I like it a lot. My bedside light is a Surefire G2Z nitrolon. With fresh batteries, the Coleman is almost on a par with it (MY subjective opinion ). I use it mostly for the red LED and because 3AAA's are a lot cheaper than 2 CR123's. I tried it as a bloodtrail tracking light and it was not as useful as I had hoped. Blood on concrete looks very black, but in a field, alot of other things look black as well. Also, the aluminum body is kind of slippery. The 1st one I had I put some shower grip tape on to make it more secure in the hand, but that was hard on the mouth when I tried to mouth hold it (I know- not a good idea, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.)
I have the W-R-B 115 lumen version and it is a decent light. I use mine for a nightstand light. I've had it for a little over two years and the switch and battery carrier have held up nicely.

oops old thread, just saw the thread date.
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