Anyone used Evidot 4900K 5mm LEDs?


Aug 3, 2007
North Texas
I realize this is not new, but I havent seen any mods with these.
Has anyone experimented with these yet?
Water Clear
4900K White
5mm intensity=14060mcd

A quote from the site
"providing full spectrum control and high CRI capability."
Check out the emission spectrum!

These look like an ideal candidate for swapping out the angry blue LEDs of a 5mm headlamp. Any thoughts or experiences?
Page 1:
30° Viewing Angle
Page 2:
Viewing angle: 15°
Page 3 finally specifies FWHM, and lists 15° as typical.

And the polar plot on page 4 shows FWHM between 15° and 20°.

I guess they're probably 15°, since that's stated twice and is reasonably close to the plot, but I wish they were a little more consistent. :sigh:
spectral graph looks weird... I dunno....

Yeah.. It's from the CdSe quantum dots they use instead of the normal Ce:YAG phosphor normally in white LEDs... The CdSe quantum dots have very sharp emission band-width similar to monochromatic LEDs (as in how sharp the wavelength peaks are)... CdS and ZnS quantum dots on the other hand....:naughty:
Has anyone experimented with these yet?
Sorry it took me so long to reply. I was away on vacation and could read your post but could not reply. I have these exact LEDs. They are very dim. The color is a little funky on them as well. As is common with most of these 5mm LEDs the color varies drastically from spot to spill. They do have a bit more red in them than traditional LEDs but I am not sure I'd go so far as to say they are high CRI. I'll say it again. These things are very dim and it would take a cluster of them to put out anything resembling a decent amount of light. I had hoped for so much more.
Sorry it took me so long to reply. I was away on vacation and could read your post but could not reply. I have these exact LEDs. They are very dim. The color is a little funky on them as well. As is common with most of these 5mm LEDs the color varies drastically from spot to spill. They do have a bit more red in them than traditional LEDs but I am not sure I'd go so far as to say they are high CRI. I'll say it again. These things are very dim and it would take a cluster of them to put out anything resembling a decent amount of light. I had hoped for so much more.
I figured you would chime in eventually. Thanks for the reply. I too was hoping for alot more.
Didn't you start experimenting with coating high powered LEDs in quantum dots?