Anyone using the MDC XP-L 16650 ?

It's perfect as-is (on an 18650 body) for walking the dogs.
Ruff Ruff.

Does the Low-Med-High switching work the same way with your 18650 body as the stock 16650 version from Malkoff?

I would think it is a function of the head electronics, rather than the body & switch assy.
Low-medium-high, high-medium-low, yada yada yada....

These multi-mode heads are like a crescent adjustable wrench: how come I always have to adjust it to the size I need?

  • E1 18350 body
  • Z68 Style Tailcap w/Tritium tubes
  • E-series Universal Finger Loop
Just ordered one of the XP-L heads for a 16650 body I have. I have a VME head on there now with an M61NL drop in, but anxious to get a bit of an upgrade.