April 1st: Banana powered LED, how I did it !


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 23, 2005
April 1st

I have found that I can illuminate a Red LED using fruit.

Experimenting with various fruits, and LEDs, I found that the best result, so far, was with a Banana, and a Red LED.

The Red LED requires less voltage than other LEDs to work, and the Banana supplies just enough potential difference to illuminate the Red Led slightly.

It is quite precise as to the insertion of the LED, bearing in mind the different lengths of the LED leads.

As far as I can make out, it is the junction between the banana skin, and the Banana fruit itself that provides the potential difference (volts).

So one lead will be in the skin, with the other slightly longer lead actually in the Banana itself.

I presume it works due to the acidity, sugar content, and potassium within the Banana.

You need to insert the LED slowly, until just the correct depth is reached, when the LED lights up, albeit dimly.

I was unable to measure the voltage, due to the small resistance of my multi-meter leads.

The LED stay illuminated for about a day, then needs to be re-positioned for best effect.

(it'll never replace batteries, but perhaps a series of Bananas may provide enough volts to illuminate a White LED.)

Similar tech info on sugar powered cells.


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Re: Banana powered LED

Great find abvidledUK!~ :twothumbs
But I can't help but :crackup: when I see it.
Re: Banana powered LED

I wonder what would happen if you were using an electric eel. :)
Re: Banana powered LED

I see you are using a protected banana and not a bare one. What's the low voltage cut off? :crackup:

But seriously, I did something like this with a potato once to power an LCD watch. Thanks for sharing. :goodjob:
Re: Banana powered LED

:crackup: :lolsign: :crackup: :lolsign: :crackup:
===========MOST INNOVATED MOD OF SPRING 07==========

I wonder how much LED does it take to equal the potential difference...100 LEDs on a banana

if its based on acidity...the LED contacts would be easily corrodded :ohgeez:
you know....bananas are radioactive, could that be a reason?:laughing:
you know what this hints about UK's bananas right? :eek:oo:

chimo said:
I see you are using a protected banana and not a bare one.

hey, when your experimenting, its better to use a protected cell...though this seems to be a non-rechargeable cell:thumbsup::whistle:
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Re: Banana powered LED

You know you're a Flashaholic when....you find that you can light a LED with a bannana, and then SHARE that information.:laughing: :lolsign: :crackup:
Re: Banana powered LED

Awesome. Is it available anodized? Two stage switch? :crackup:
Re: Banana powered LED

Christoph said:
Whats the shelf life?:grin2:
i'm sure it's a very close competitor for lithium! 10 years sounds about right.
Re: Banana powered LED

A little weird to EDC a banana...

Funny and amazing discovery !
Re: Banana powered LED

I wonder if you can accomplish the same thing by shoving the leads into your arm?
Re: Banana powered LED

EngrPaul said:
I wonder if you can accomplish the same thing by shoving the leads into your arm?
well, i'm not stopping you:cool:
Re: Banana powered LED

I can see it now...

Her: "Hey there... is that a banana in your pocket... or are you just happy to see me?"

Me: Nope.. its a banana. It came with one of those awful little 5mmleds.. but I dropped in a badboy converter, and a SSC P4. Im still not happy with the switch, so im having CPFer kooter whip me up a Titanium body I can stick a SF clickie on... hey... come back...
Re: Banana powered LED

For your health, please consider my suggestion to put the LED in your arm a joke.

Also, do not eat the banana because the region where the leads were inserted will likely have some tin/lead deposited in the electrolyte from the galvanic reaction.:green:

Lead in your system can lead to brain damage which can lead to stupidity, which can lead you to taking EngrPaul's silly suggestions serious. :ohgeez:
Re: Banana powered LED

abinok said:
Me: Nope.. its a banana. It came with one of those awful little 5mmleds.. but I dropped in a badboy converter, and a SSC P4. Im still not happy with the switch, so im having CPFer kooter whip me up a Titanium body I can stick a SF clickie on... hey... come back...

Er.....you'd be better off saying you are happy to see her....

:thumbsup: WP
Re: Banana powered LED

I've been thinking about this today and seem to remember something about making batteries out of lemons. I guess it's because of the extra acidity.
Re: Banana powered LED

frosty said:
I've been thinking about this today and seem to remember something about making batteries out of lemons. I guess it's because of the extra acidity.
apples work too, but i think lemons are the best.

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