Arc AAA head keeps coming off


Newly Enlightened
Feb 7, 2006
I'm having a problem with the head coming off my AAA. In order to turn off the light, I have to rotate the head counterclockwise until the threads are just barely engaged. In this condition the head comes off easily. If I twist the head clockwise far enough to properly engage the threads, the light comes on. Has anyone else had this problem or know how to solve it?
It sounds like your foam washer at the positive end of the battery may have become compressed so that the battery is always in contact with the positive nub. This would cause the light to stay on until you break the connection at the negative end of the battery or at the head body connection. If that's the case, ARC offers free replacements IIRC.
How old is your ArcAAA?

That sounds more like and over-sized solder blob on the head, or an abnormally tall rivet at the bottom of the battery tube.
The Arc AAA is about a year old. I think the rivet at the bottom may be too tall, but I don't know how to get to it to grind it down. I think I'll mail it to Arc and see if they'll fix it.
your solder blob on head is probably too large.

gently scrap off foam washer, then take a soldering iron to remove excess solder. you could file off solder too.

then take a dab of super glue to re-attach foam donut back. scrape solder surface to make sure there's no super glue.

Thanks. I'll file the solder blob down a little bit (although there isn't much there). If I file more than about 1/64 of an inch I'll be into the aluminum on the head). Any idea how to get down to the lug on the bottom? My dremel attachments aren't long enough.
if your solder blob is already thin, then you've probably have a board that's not seated properly.

you need to send this light back to ARC. you can grind down stainless post, but it's not advised.

lhouseman said:

Thanks. I'll file the solder blob down a little bit (although there isn't much there). If I file more than about 1/64 of an inch I'll be into the aluminum on the head). Any idea how to get down to the lug on the bottom? My dremel attachments aren't long enough.
My personal opinion is that that new rivet is too high. Yes, it's been explained why, but that's my 0.02 lumens.
I'll just send it to Arc Monday. I'm sure they can fix it with no problem.

Thanks all.

look at your board with foam washer off. if crimp is in place all the way around, then board is seated properly and I'm with greenie. your post is too high.

one more item to check... stainless pin is driven into base.
take a round punch and drive stainless pin to make sure pin is fully seated.

otherwise send your ARC back for service.
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