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BT13243508-02-2007 03:27 PM
Re: Arc AAA problems
Did the battery nipple or positive section of the battery get pushed in? That happened to me a few weeks back and i just replaced the battery, now it works fine.
karlthev08-02-2007 03:28 PMRe: Arc AAA problems
No, that doesn't seem to be it. The contact point is a bit crushed but not on the battery.
greenLED08-02-2007 03:45 PMRe: Arc AAA problems
Originally Posted by karlthev (Post 2050337)
The contact point is a bit crushed but not on the battery.
Reshape the solder blob?
Did you clean the (-) contact (inside the tube)? Wipe the threads real well?
karlthev08-02-2007 03:55 PMRe: Arc AAA problems
"Reshape the solder blob"--I think that's the ticket but, I'm a bit antsy about waving a soldering iron around the head and LED. Am I just a big chicken? Tips?
greenLED08-02-2007 04:52 PMRe: Arc AAA problems
Take the foam ring off.
Clean everything real well using the pencil eraser trick, and then some alcohol.
Make sure the soldering iron is warm enough
As you melt the old solder, add some new solder.
A little trick that I used to use was to solder a small metal ring as part of the contact blob. I forget what I used exactly, though. The metal ring is harder than the solder material and won't get flattened with time.
karlthev08-03-2007 03:19 AMRe: Arc AAA problems
I'll give it a try this weekend. Thanks!
karlthev08-03-2007 03:08 PMRe: Arc AAA problems
It works, it works!!! Thanks. Simple fix should get me points with the MIL!
greenLED08-03-2007 03:29 PMRe: Arc AAA problems
So, which of the above did the trick?
karlthev08-03-2007 04:47 PMRe: Arc AAA problems
Well, I dunno??:thinking: I cleaned the threads, used an eraser on the contact point, wiped the head contact area with a paper towel wet with acetone, removed the foam washer, added a blob of solder and, SHAZAM, it worked!! Probably is working better now than it ever did!! I think it was the solder blob bringing the contact point into range so to speak. Thanks!!!
greenLED08-03-2007 04:54 PMRe: Arc AAA problems
If it ever stops working again and no amount of cleaning will help, use a flat-tipped screwdriver against the crimp and give the screwdriver a quick tap with a hammer. Repeat a couple of times around the crimp.
If that doesn't work, send it back to Peter. :laughing: