Arc GS head on old Arc body


Newly Enlightened
Sep 30, 2007
Greetings everyone,
Is there a problem resulting from attaching the head of an Arc GS to the body of an earlier model?
The GS head does screw on and the O ring is completely covered and twisting the light on and off is not overly hard or free. Would I still get the 10.5 Lumens?
Interestingly, I cannot screw the older model head onto the GS body , but I have no need for that. Anyone else try this mix of GS and old Arc body?
There shouldn't be a problem. As long as the threading on the head and body matches, you're good to go. The bodies are just a means to hold the battery and deliver the negative contact of the battery to the circuit board. Have fun with your Arc legos :thumbsup:
ArcAAA's have changed thread pitch a couple of times, especially in the earlier iterations.

I still have a couple of black HA ArcAAA heads that I haven't been able to find bodies for - they won't screw in any of the tubes I've tried, including supposedly 2 generations of black AAA tubes. :shrug:
ArcAAA's have changed thread pitch a couple of times, especially in the earlier iterations.

I still have a couple of black HA ArcAAA heads that I haven't been able to find bodies for - they won't screw in any of the tubes I've tried, including supposedly 2 generations of black AAA tubes. :shrug:

You may want to try Peak AAA tubes. That is what i've used for some extra ARC heads I have.