Arc Revelation

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Dec 31, 2009
I have been reading the Arc Archives 03-21-2008. I get it now as Peter Gransee stated he is a contractor for MTD which now owns the sole rights to Arc's name. Read the Arc AAA-p flickering thread. So, it is not Peter Gransee but, MTD that is avoiding our emails & Arc problems here! I only wish MTD would see the light & do the right thing as there are many loyal & returning customers here! Please MTD do the right thing!
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Yes, Gransee no longer owns Arc LLC. However, he is very actively involved in all aspects of Arc and my understanding is that MTD has a fairly hands-off approach to Arc.
Thanks for the info carrot! I really like my Arc AAA P. It is the best EDC IMHO. I just wish the company would be more responsive to emails & customer service. If the company could only turn this around I think everyone including the company would be happy.
Yes, I am a contractor for MTD/CIS. I used to own a flashlight company that made similiar products. For CIS, I setup the division and trained the people based on my experience. I also started the products, website, ecommerce system, etc. Now days, I design products, fix the website, tweak the ad campaigns, etc. I have also contracted with other companies doing related and unrelated work. Customer service is handled at MTD by Maria and Anna. Anna is going back to school so this summer it will be just Maria. I am the only person from the company that reads the CPF. The CPF makes up a small fraction of our sales now days thanks to our improved advertising. Back in the 'good ol days' the cpf made up most of our sales and in fact it was the cpf that helped us get started almost 10 years ago. But the market and the cpf have changed since then.

Customer service in a forum post is a tricky thing. It can be hard to correlate forum posts to emails, etc. Ideally, the most efficient process would be used and that would result in the most rapid resolution. Just as I said in the welcome letter at the top of this forum, it is better to simply start with an email or phone call. But some people like to fire off an email, wait a couple of days, start a cpf thread, fire off another email, etc. It is like we are twitter or a slot machine or something. Customer service takes time and all the frantic messaging doesn't help. Countless times I have logged onto the cpf in the morning, saw a new post that made it sound like we hate our customers and then audit the email, talk to Maria, etc. Turns out that once again people are just not being patient. Our response times are typical for a small company. Phone calls really are best. Emails are second but they do get lost and that just makes people more frantic. Coming on here and starting a thread doesn't help. It just turns the cpf into an email system.

Forums are best when they convey new information, not just act like private messaging services. It is the same thing every time, my package is lost, is this blemish normal or should I be concerned, etc. If I respond to every one of those, I encourage the rise in noise for this forum. There was a time when I did that and the forum just became a giant email board. New people said they got a very negative impression from visiting the forum (the ratio of good to bad news in email is well established). So even though I badly want to answer every problem right here it takes will power to wish the person well but not say anything. Every post I grit my teeth and ignore, encourages the next person to actually email or call. Otherwise, they would all post since that provides the quickest satisfaction (but not the quickest resolution).

So it is a choice between appearing to have slow customer service and products that always fail. Most small companys with a forum presence opt for the first choice.

Of course this thread, like the welcome thread will be ignored by most. At times, my strongest post is the one I don't make. I wish our relationship was better.

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The CPF makes up a small fraction of our sales now days thanks to our improved advertising. Back in the 'good ol days' the cpf made up most of our sales and in fact it was the cpf that helped us get started almost 10 years ago. But the market and the cpf have changed since then.

This is great news...... I always believed Arc would be more successful outside of CPF.

If you do not mind me asking, where can we see some Arc advertisements
I Totally agee with Ragweed! The customer service relations is Atrocious. I sent my Arc AAA Ti back for a Refund from the UK, as it was faulty! It cost me 40 dollars for tracking/ sign for delivery,and they did not have the decency to reimburse me with the postage, at least as a gesture of good will. To add insult to injury,i had to spend over 30 minutes on the telephone from the UK, almost begging for a Refund. I was absolutely Livid, when put on hold by Anna for 19 minutes,only to be told by her that she put me on hold whilst another call was anwered! Enough Said, i dont think i will be giving them my Recommendation. :thumbsdow
Of course this thread, like the welcome thread will be ignored by most. At times, my strongest post is the one I don't make. I wish our relationship was better.


Given the fact you virtually admit there is no real 2 way communication here why not close the Arc forum alltogether? The mere existance of it implies more... :thumbsdow
Given the fact you virtually admit there is no real 2 way communication here why not close the Arc forum alltogether? The mere existance of it implies more... :thumbsdow

Because it is an area to talk about a great flashlight

before shutting it down, keep in mind it is one of the most active forums in cpf custom
Not a bad idea bart. Something I am once again considering.

btw, when are you going to get more green trits?

This is another in a long pattern of threads where a new user shows up on CPF, checks in with a few dozen posts on other topics, then starts an Arc bashing thread. I'm sure many of those threads, possibly including this one, are started by legitimate newbies who haven't been around here before. I'm not sure that all of them are.
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Sorry if I came across as bashing Arc. This was not my intent at all. I love the Arc AAA as its the smallest & best EDC light ever made IMO. I EDC'd mine yesterday & never knew it was in my pocket until I needed it. I always thought Peter started up another company is all & was surprised to learn that he had an advisory role instead of being the Owner.
Merging it with LED would not prohibit continuing it, just look at the number of SF threads. ;)

Speaking of SF, a phone call is the best way to get a problem resolved with them. They are great to deal with on the phone. Folks, if you are in the USA pick up the phone and call these companies. I really like companies that have real phone numbers and answer the phone. Some companies don't and hide behind the internet and email.
Speaking of SF, a phone call is the best way to get a problem resolved with them. They are great to deal with on the phone. Folks, if you are in the USA pick up the phone and call these companies. I really like companies that have real phone numbers and answer the phone. Some companies don't and hide behind the internet and email.

I have to disagree,nothing to do with Arc but todays consumers love the ease of doing business transactions online when it comes to purchases and customer service. Companies that do not embrace this are missing out on their full potential.
Peter is 100 % correct in his response to customer service, sometimes we are right on and sometimes we
are slow. When you are dealing with a small company with limited personnel, we must divide our time
between many different areas. With so much going on at one time with e-mails and other forms of communication,
they can get misplaced or lost in the day to day operations. Large million dollar companies like Surefire have the
same problems. We love our customers and try very hard to please with good products and customer service.

Peter- thank you for taking the time to post here. Same with Curt. I know you likely wear many hats at Arc- like Curt does at PEAK. It is sad that a few immature, EXTREMELY impatient people could cause you both to stop posting on CPF. Perhaps it may be best to close the Custom Section, or allow each Custom member to decide to close their respective threads because they have been counterproductive as Peter so honestly stated. Maybe they could be Archived for read only history as I think it is important to remember where a LOT of innovation came from.
Peter- thank you for taking the time to post here. Same with Curt. I know you likely wear many hats at Arc- like Curt does at PEAK. It is sad that a few immature, EXTREMELY impatient people could cause you both to stop posting on CPF. Perhaps it may be best to close the Custom Section, or allow each Custom member to decide to close their respective threads because they have been counterproductive as Peter so honestly stated. Maybe they could be Archived for read only history as I think it is important to remember where a LOT of innovation came from.

I beg to differ, Henry from hds for example, another small business. I'm sure is very busy also, takes the time to personally answer EVERY email I have ever sent. From inquiries to warranty issues. His shipping is fast and accurate.

The time I ordered my arc6, I paid extra for second day air, alot of good that did because my light did not ship for 15 days later. A couple days into my order I emailed to add to my order, email right back, 10 minutes later. Then days went by, no tracking info, emailed asking status. Nothing... 5 emails several days later... Nothing.... I finally called, my light was to ship out that evening, next day nothing.... The fllowing Monday, called again. Told the same thing... Finally after getting very upset my tracking info showed up. The light then shipped 3 days later. Call it what you want to, I call it how I see it.

If Peter is a busy man, and does not have the role in arc like you used to, I understand, but somone should take care of the customers. Without the customers you have no business.

I cannot say enough good things about my arc6, I love it. One of my favorite lights by far, great beam, tint, UI. So don't think I'm bashing. I am just speaking of my experience.
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Whether its Arc or any other company, there really is no excuse for not making customer service a priority.

Just to demonstrate my Arc street cred :), here is about 20% of the world's known supply of the uber rare lugged Arc AA's from back in the day:

Whether its Arc or any other company, there really is no excuse for not making customer service a priority.

Just to demonstrate my Arc street cred :), here is about 20% of the world's known supply of the uber rare lugged Arc AA's from back in the day:

:bow::bow::bow: That is a beauty!
That is so great! Thank you for posting it. With any company, Customer Service should be Job 1 in IMHO. And I mean Job 1..! The whiners here really don't read the full facts before they whine away. I love my Arc AAA..!
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