Arc UV and wood ticks


Jul 17, 2006
Do any of you guys know if wood ticks fluoresce under UV light the same as scorpions? After picking the second one off of me tonight I am looking for help in checking anything and everything my wife's little dogs might be on or around after their psychotic running around outside. I hate ticks, they are like scorpions when you can't see any head it makes me nervous. My wife says to get rid of the ponytail and the beard and I say get rid of the dogs.

Since we now have Lyme disease in our area it is more important than it used to be. Deer ticks are really small.

And before anyone asks, they are both treated with frontline plus, but that only kills the ticks after they bite and start to suck the blood.

Thanks in advance.
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On-topic: I have no idea if ticks fluoresce under UV light. I've never let one survive long enough in big enough pieces to try. They disgust me; they look like little blood-sucking spiders.

Off-topic: Investigate other topical treatments, like K9 Adavantix. It's a tick preventive, and claims to protect against ticks carrying Lyme disease. It's what my vet recommends. You can order it from Drs. Foster and Smith (, which I have found to be a reputable company.
I had to yank one of those blood suckers off two days ago. Next time I find one I will UV it and let you know. I really doubt if they do.
There was a thread about Arc AAA UV and ticks awhile back. I tried searching for it, but came up empty. I know I've seen it though, so those that know how to search better than I, might wanna link it. :sigh:

edit: it might have just been UV lights and ticks, but I couldn't find that either. :(
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They disgust me; they look like little blood-sucking spiders.

They pretty much are. I don't think that ticks and scorpions are similar enough to have the same chemical (in the "hyaline layer") which flouresces. I suppose you might be able to detect the blood that's on/in them, but a reagent would probably be necessary.