If you don't have the means... I'll drop it in the mail to you.
yes.. I used the exact same one..BladeDogg said:I was thinking the same thing. Does that particular watch case opener have pins that open to the right size? :thanks:
Casual Flashlight User said:BladeDogg, some folks cut down an old credit card and use it like a flat head screwdriver...give it a try before you pay out for any tools, let us know how you get on.
BladeDogg said:I will try that CFU...THANKS AGAIN...I hope it works...
RPM...I may have to take you up on your offer! For one, sad to say I don't have a bandsaw...but I do have a file! I may have to improvise!
fluorescent...I may have to get one of those too!
RPM said:PM me with your address... For $.39 I can get it to you!
RPM said:I have a few styles in stock!