Are Drop-in LEDs for Maglite Reasonable?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 21, 2005
My recent foray in to target shows that Maglite 3D & 3A can be had for about $25. While the Maglite Drop-in LED module is $20. The horrible (1G) Nite-ize are $15. The 2G for similar price ($16?) with microcontroller (flash, high, low, etc.).

Looking at flashlightreviews comparison table; the 3D and 3A put out a good amount of light and has a decent runtime.

The questions are:

(1) for 3D - for a similar price range of $25-$30, are there any drop in module that would be a better value than getting a stock LED Maglite?

(2) for AA/2AA - I recently picked up the River Rock 2AA (Aurora ALJ-012AA) 1.5W, the Inova Radiant 2AA, ($10 each); their throw & output is 2/3 to 1/2 of a 2AA Maglite LED; granted the price is less than 1/2 it is probably a good deal and their runtime double that of the Maglite. Should I keep?

(3) Inova Radiant 2AAA ($7); size-wise, it's the same as a 2AA Maglite but it's output is pretty low... well, not bad for 2AAA. Should I keep?

What do you all think?



P.S. I would like to add that I don't want to keep 10 flashlights in the house .. .. well, I am trying NOT to keep that many in the house. I already have (2) Energizer Folding LED lanterns 4AA, (2) Coleman micro-tube fluorescent folding lanterns 4AA, (2) Energizer LED/Fluorescent lanterns [D-size], 6V Lantern, 1Mil Candlepower Spotlight, and 4-5 incandescent hand flashlights. The incan hand flashlights, I'm trying to replace with LEDs... hence the above questions.
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Just brighter, according to 50% output for the 3AA is reached a half hour sooner, but the 3AA doesn't suddenly die at the end of the battery life.
For the 3D, you could get a Terralux Seoul 3-6 cell LED upgrade. They are also making one with a Seoul specially for the 2-3 cell model of maglites(link). If you have the money and the time, buy a Malkoffdevice LED upgrade. Much much brighter

For the Minimag, well, drop it and buy a Fenix L2D-CE(review). Much brighter and also has a longer runtime and many modes. But is $55 at fenix store(Use CPF8 discount code). If you really want to upgrade your Minimag, buy the Terralux SSC upgrade for the Minimag.

The Inova Radiant AAA and AA, I'd return both and buy this MTE 1xAA SSCP4 light(the site is down).
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If Modding your M@G I would go for the Terralux,
Terralux Seoul 3-6 cell LED , or Terralux SSC upgrade .
Both these are better than the stock M@GLed modules
Patriot36 said:
TerraLUX TLE-6EXB Boost version are now available for pre-order. Ideal for 2 and 3 cells lights. They'll be shipping next week. :)

What is the difference between the Boost and the regular version? The website doesn't state the difference. I see the runtime for the non-boost version.

There seems to be so many of them ... are there comparable numbers for stock LED Maglite vs the TerraLUX (3D and 2AA) -- output and throw??


barkingmad said:
Think the boost is for 2/3 cell whereas the other one is for 3-6 cell maglights.

Exactly, the although the 3-6 cell drop-in operates a 3 cell light, it's really ideal from 4.5 volts up to 9 volts. On a fresh set of batteries the difference isn't noticable from 3 to 4 cells, but if those 3 cells are run for a couple hours and the voltage drops to below 4.5V, the difference between 3 and 4 cells does become noticable....mayb 20-30 lumens.

The boosted version was designed to work ideally below 4.5 volts and allows a 2 and 3 cells to be as bright as 4 - 6 cell lights. :)
I just received two Terrelux drop ins for the AA MiniMags that my daughter had in a drawer. She found them "useless" in their original state.

With the new LED's, and NiMH rechargables, she was amazed at the output, which I estimated at about 35-40 lumens. They really light up a room now. The Mini's don't get hot, and make a nice pocket or purse light.

Mine is the red NYFD model.

For the 3D Mag, I will be patient and aim for the Malkoff drop-in.

If you want the whole deal, send a Mag of your color choice to Black Bear and they will transform it into a Mag85 --just add money.

