That tends to happen when you xfer the manufacturing costs to Asia. No miracle of technology there.
NO. The LED light has followed the sam path that most solid state devices do.
A $200.00 light a couple years ago was expensive because the parts cost more and they were produced by a hobby market.
When a simple heat sink costs more than an entire mag-light it's because the sink is being produced in very small quantities. Same for the other pieces and parts. The price somebody pays per LED for 10,000 P7's a month is going to be
far less than what we pay, probably by an order of magnitude.
I would not be surprised if the P7's we buy are gray market.
If the industry grows enough the current crop of lights like the Eagle-Tac will drop considerably in price or be swallowed up.
Just prior to Radio Shack, Pet and Apple hitting teh market with their $500.00 machines a friend had built a CP/M machine from scratch (He started with a clean motherboard and added all the parts.) $12,000 and no monitor.
Typical machine cost in the $3000.00 to $5000.00 range (64k CP/M at 4.77 kHz)
The few computer magazines were aware that mass production would drop the prices.