Are the any *good* flashlight PodCasts available


Dec 27, 2004

I was just wondering if there are any good flashlight PodCasts available at the moment? if not any good ones - are there any at all?

If not, what would you like to hear about in a NEW flashlight podcast? Obviously news and reviews (I know it would be difficult about beamshots but maybe with enhanced podcasts we could see beamshots on iPod Touch an iPhone devices) and a competition or two - but what else?


Podcasts for flashlights would be a great idea in my opinion but I don't think that so many people would watch this. There are many flashlight reviews on youtube though.

Hi Rayman,

I was thinking more along the lines of an Audio podcast (purely because I consume all my podcasts in audio fashion - such as in the shower, car etc).

I keep toying with the idea of producing a flashlight-focused podcast - unless someone now nicks the idea and beats me to it, lol :D
Not a bad idea, so when do we get to her your first episode ;)
I was just wondering if there are any good flashlight PodCasts available at the moment? if not any good ones - are there any at all?


I just started recording a podcast with Marshall Hoots as my cohost. I'll leave it up to you all to decide if it's any good, but we are certainly having fun.

So far, we have interviews with PhotonFanatic and David Chow in the feed as well as a Preon P0 review and more in the pipes...

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Love your show Rob! It's been so long since last one I was starting to worry you had abandoned it! When I saw the automatic download for the new one last night I got all excited!
Glad you guys are enjoying the show, sporadic as it may be(my fauly, not Marshall's). Hope you all enjoy the improved audio on my end this most recent episode. I fixed some of the audio settings for recording. If you have any requests, ideas, etc, drop me an email at [email protected]
I am enjoying your podcast too. Hoping to heat some 'general' the topics in episodes too along with info about that episode's guest's product line.

Keep them coming!

Sent with Tapatalk on my Samsung Galaxy S3

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