Are these lights collectable?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 1, 2021
I know old round body lights bring some money. I was going to buy some LED bulbs for these, but I have a bunch of new Streamlights that I use. The batteries for the 5R and the 9AN are bad. Is it worth it to build a new battery pack for them? For the 6P, 6R and 9P do those date back to the late 90's or 2000's?

They are definitely collectible. I don't know about options for the 5R or 9AN, but the 6P and 9P are well worth modernizing with a malkoff led drop in for each.
Anything with 'Laser Products, Fountain Valley, CA' will be enticing to any SF collector and might bring more money than you think?

That being said, it's somewhat older technology that might not be your cup of tea and if so, clean them up carefully and sell them.

Lumens Factory makes an 18650 battery adapter as well as a LED drop in for the Commander. The battery adapter will work on any of the lights that use the Surefire B90 battery.
I almost tossed them in the aluminum recycle box. They still work, but they are not near as bright as my LED Streamlights. I looked into upgrading the bulbs to LED, but those run $75 each! Would the rechargeable two be worth more with good battery packs?
Lumens Factory makes an 18650 battery adapter as well as a LED drop in for the Commander. The battery adapter will work on any of the lights that use the Surefire B90 battery.
Battery adapter will not work in all B90 flashlights!!
It was my idea to make adapters for 9n and 8x, i did first adapters in 2015, for 8x and 9n.
lumensfactory stole my idea and sells it. Same also made tadcustom in front of them, but they were more decent and did not full copy of the adapter.
Yes they are collectable. But the rechargeable SureFire lights were never very popular.

The 6R can easily be converted into a 6P by removing the extension piece. The tailcap would still say 6R but it's a cool flashlight with a Malkoff module installed and can run off a 16650 battery.
Put the battery from the 9AN Commander and it took a charge and has held it. I am amazed knowing how bad NiCads were for going bad on the shelf.
Oh and thanks for the information, will sell them here when I have enough posts.

I don't think anyone mentioned, but approximately was production dates for the 6P and 9P?
Battery adapter will not work in all B90 flashlights!!
It was my idea to make adapters for 9n and 8x, i did first adapters in 2015, for 8x and 9n.
lumensfactory stole my idea and sells it. Same also made tadcustom in front of them, but they were more decent and did not full copy of the adapter.

We have received several complaints about your accusations against LumensFactory. You provide no proof of anything, only accusations that may or may not be true. This is not the way we behave on CPF. If you have a real complaint, take it up with LF and seek a resolution with them. There is nothing else anyone here can do to help you and launching accusations only creates disunity in the community.
I picked up a factory Surefire charger for the 6R. Plugged the battery in and it took and held a charge! Got the charger for $15 which I think was a fair price.
Put the battery from the 9AN Commander and it took a charge and has held it. I am amazed knowing how bad NiCads were for going bad on the shelf.
Oh and thanks for the information, will sell them here when I have enough posts.

I don't think anyone mentioned, but approximately was production dates for the 6P and 9P?
The 6P was likely made in the early nineties...1992-1994. I own one of similar vintage and recall clearly when I bought it new. Just check out my avatar pic. The 9P came along a little bit later. I think they switched to using Sure Fire on the lights in the late nineties, say maybe 1997.