Are you watching the Superbowl?

Do you watch the Superbowl?

  • You betcha! Go team!

    Votes: 23 37.1%
  • Eh, if it's on I'll watch it.

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • Nope, the Superbowl won't be a part of my household.

    Votes: 27 43.5%
  • Other, please explain.

    Votes: 6 9.7%

  • Total voters


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 19, 2006
I've done and continue to do lots of things that people don't understand, and I'm thankful that I have the freedom to do so as long as my activities don't hurt anyone else.

It seems like most people regard Superbowl Sunday as a national holiday, but I've never been interested in sports. Just don't understand the appeal in chasing a (foot/base/golf/tennis/etc.)ball around a field. Watching other people do so is even more incomprehensible to me, and then there are those who will PAY to watch others do so. :thinking: This is just fine, my understanding means bull-dinky to anyone else, and I'm glad that so many people enjoy the Superbowl. There are certainly worse hobbies than football.

But I'm curious. How do CPF'rs feel? Do you watch the SB, do you intentionally NOT watch it, do you just not care?

I'm listening to it on AM 570 here. It's kind of weird to hear what's happening on the radio three seconds before it happens on the TV

(Think of what happened during half time four years ago and the current FCC requirement and you can figure it out.)
I'm watching the half-time show right now. Tom Petty sounds pretty good. I'll be watching the game, too, even though the Steelers are staying home this year.

Nope. Don't like either team, sick of the Patriots, don't care about it and the endless hoopla.
I love:

-CPF/eBay while watching the Superbowl

Superbowl Sunday...... It's a good thing !

I'm cleaning my home theater room, and the Super Bowl is on, but as I hate football, I'm cleaning during the game, but I pause to watch the commercials, as well as the half time show. Tom Petty was great. Watching the Super Bowl commercials is almost worth having the game on (but not quite).
I'm not a sports fan, but I did catch the last 15 minutes of the game. I'm glad to see that the cheaters lost. :nana:

Now Mr. Belichick, you've got some unfinished business with the nice man from the senate office... something about an erased videotape. :sssh:
Shame on all of you. We're supposed to be checking for SHOT updates :)

But nope, never been a sportsfan. Every game's the same, ball goes up/down, or left/right. Maybe an injury or fight now & then. I dunno.
i love football i mean love. im so happy that my dolphins are still the only team to win every game
I watched part of it for I think the first time in my life only because the NY Giants were in it. I dozed off for a good part of it. I did see the last quarter where most of the action occurred in its entirety. Most of the time I couldn't care less, nor would I even know which teams played. In general my attitudes towards most ball-oriented sports is pretty much the same as the OP. I'll watch a very occasional Yankees or Mets game on TV, but that's about it. The only sports I watch any more than this are cycling and the Olympics. I love the winter Olympics especially.

Like the OP, I totally don't understand people like my late father who watched and kept box scores for every single one of the 162 Yankee games, plus the playoffs. After a while, the games really aren't that different. I know. The few I do watch can seem repetitous. There's already enough repetition in life without adding to it.

Now if we had Roman style gladiatorial games, those I would watch.