Arrgh! G&P 1 watt drop in starts to flicker after about 30 seconds...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 4, 2004
Sea Isle City, NJ
I hope its just the emitter and not the driver board since I was planning to swap the stock emitter for a Seoul anyway. I checked all the connections and even swapped tailcaps to make sure the clickie on the 6PD wasn't bad. About 30-40 seconds after I turn it on its starts a mild, rapid flicker. Sometimes it will stop for a few seconds then start again. Any ideas?
It's a long shot, but the Cree drop in I got flickered a bit too....I wraped a small amount of aluminum foil around the drop-in module to help the (-)connection and now it works fine.....worth a try anyway. I also screwed the driver module in a bit tighter, in case that was a problem
I just tried a little experiment. If I turn it on, wait for it to start flickering, then turn it off and right back on it goes instantly to flickering. But If I turn it off for awhile then turn it on, it takes that 30-40 seconds to start flickering again. Also the head of the 6PD gets warm after only a few minutes of use, that should be a good sign that its heatsinking properly. But maybe its' heat issue. Like I said I hope its just emitter and not the board... :(