Aspheric mag.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 29, 2007
New Zealand
Only half way through this project but since I will not be finishing it any time soon due to lack of a driver I thought I would post my progress so far any way.

The Aspheric is a 44mm lens available from DX in a 5 pack.
Its nearly a perfect fit in a D sized mag. I said nearly. I made up a POM ring to hold the lens central.

LED will be a SST-90.

Mods to mag are pretty standard for a Mag diving light.

Heat sink is a slip fit with bored out rear to take driver.


Any chance of putting a P7 or simular in there just so we can see what sort of a beam you can get with the aspheric lens?..Please..
I tried a SST-90 behind it and the beam size was about the same as a XR-E behind the 21mm DX aspherics I use in my quad builds.
SST-90 gives a 250mm wide beam at 2 meters. Or about 7.2 degree beam. and 10 times that on wide so about 72 degrees!!

I like this lens!! ( although I have a feeling its not all that efficient).
SST-90 gives a 250mm wide beam at 2 meters. Or about 7.2 degree beam. and 10 times that on wide so about 72 degrees!!

I like this lens!! ( although I have a feeling its not all that efficient).


wich approximate distance has the lens to the SST-90?

Only half way through this project but since I will not be finishing it any time soon due to lack of a driver I thought I would post my progress so far any way.

The Aspheric is a 44mm lens available from DX in a 5 pack.
Its nearly a perfect fit in a D sized mag. I said nearly. I made up a POM ring to hold the lens central.

LED will be a SST-90.

Mods to mag are pretty standard for a Mag diving light.

Heat sink is a slip fit with bored out rear to take driver.

Something I always wondered - since the O-ring is on the opposite side (towards the water, instead of towards the inside like in most diving equipment) of the lens in a standard mag, how do you seal the front? :confused:

wich approximate distance has the lens to the SST-90?

apox 15-20mm from the tip of the dome to lens for tight focus.

Something I always wondered - since the O-ring is on the opposite side (towards the water, instead of towards the inside like in most diving equipment) of the lens in a standard mag, how do you seal the front? :confused:

It still seals. In theory the deeper you go the more pressure is put on the lens and the less the Oring would seal. But I have had mine to 57 meters with no issues.
The angle you'll get in water is likely to be different, because the indices of refraction are different for polycarbonate to air and polycarbonate to water. But it sounds like you've already run it underwater? I would like to see underwater pictures!
Its glass not PC ( not that that makes any difference to what you say) and it does not come in contact with water as it sits behind a flat lens (not shown in pic).
Even though, I am led to believe that it ( and other lights) do have a different beam angle out of the water vs in the water. Its only a few % and to be honest I have never noticed it or tried to measure it.

If the aspheric was exposed to water on its front then the beam would be totally different in water. It would almost be as if there was not aspheric at all.
No its the 44mm one that comes in a 5 pack.
The 50mm one will not fit inside a mag, it will just fit in the bezel and such can not be sealed off from the water.

I'm wondering what beam result i would get if i paired the 50mm aspheric with the 52mm DX reflector..??
I might just order one for the experiment if you think it will work..
For clarification here is a pic of the partially assembled head still not including the front lens.
Out of interest the aspheric sits very close to the front lens which will give it some support on deep dives where the front lens may go concave under pressure. Its not a good idea but I reckon I could use the stock mag lens to fairly deep depths like this. ( stock lens has worked to just below 40meters before).


@Goldigger. There is no way both or even one would fit into a mag lite head and I am unsure of what advantages there are of having 2 aspherics. You would lose alot of lumen and the legth of the assembly would be rather large.
@Goldigger. There is no way both or even one would fit into a mag lite head and I am unsure of what advantages there are of having 2 aspherics. You would lose alot of lumen and the legth of the assembly would be rather large.

I think we have our wires crossed, I'm not thinking of putting them into a mag head..
And not 2 aspherics.. This reflector combined with this aspheric..on top of the reflector and then the lens if needed..
Ah yes, sorry you did say 52mm reflector.
But this is a thread about a Mag light build. ( and you dont use reflectors with aspherics).

Anyway I ordered a LO10c voltage regulator today and I will try running it through a bunch of AMC 7135 chips ( one being a dual mode one) to get a constant current driver. By all accounts its should work well. I will try building a 9 amp/ 3 amp driver. If it works I will do something similar for my miniMAX using a SST-50 and a LO6C
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Epoxy works great. Its a slip fit as it is so there is so as long as you get a good covering of glue it holds really well. I have done about 10 mag heads like this and none have failed
Just completed one half of my driver.
Its 23 AMC 7135 chips.
A 2 mode chip board drives another 12 chip board. These 15 7135's will be 2 mode while the 8 chip board is on all the time.
So on high mode it will be (23x 350ma=) 8.05amp
on low mode it will be {15 x 10% x 350ma +( 8x350ma)=}3.35amp

I will not post a pic because its but ugly soldering.
Part 2 of the driver is a LO10C set up to deliver a constant voltage of just over a Vf of 8.05amp ( if that makes sense). If the current rises above 8.05 amp out of the LO10C the 7135's will burn it up saving the SST-90.
I may or may not put a thermistor on the LO10c.

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