Australia to restrict laser pointers; sales to be treated like firearms


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 11, 2003
Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada http://tinyu

"Sat Apr 5, 11:22 PM ET

CANBERRA, Australia - Australia plans to restrict sales of laser pointers after they were used to blind pilots preparing to land in several unresolved incidents, an official said Sunday.

The new regulations could treat sales of laser pointers — typically used in classrooms and presentations — like firearms...."
Yep, we Australians are just the same as the rest of the Human Race!
We can abuse and misuse anything.
Very sad.
Sydney Morning Herald: "Laser Lunatics face $5000 fine"

April 21, 2008 - 11:11AM

"Police will have powers to frisk people they suspect of carrying lasers and those without reason to have them - such as educators, architects or astronomers - will be fined up to $5000.

NSW Premier Morris Iemma said today the Government would ban the most powerful laser pointers and make it a summary offence to carry any laser pointer without a lawful reason....

It only takes a fraction of a second for a pilot to become temporarily blinded and that could have catastrophic consequences...."

:shakehead Lunatives -> Lunatics: Sometimes my fingers do things on their own accord.
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Speaking of Nanny governments: apparently their politicians think that Australians can't be trusted with anything more dangerous than a fork...

Mass murder???? IF i wanted to take out a plane (note the IF) I could do it a whole lot better than pointing a laser pointer at the pilot and hoping that he's blinded and crashes. lol copilot?

Oh wait, my bad. I'm using common sense again ;)
hmm, better get one before theyre banned.

Canada seems to be one step behind Autralia on a lot of these weird things... maybe I should get one too. But with those kind of penalties, I'd be too scared to even turn the thing on indoors, if I were you :( shame it's all been ruined by a few bad apples. :(
It's not just ruined by a few bad apples, It's ruined by a few bad apples and a hypersensitive govt.

You'd think making the act of lasing a plane illegal would be enough, and it should be. After all, that's what this law is supposedly trying to prevent.
But they went a few steps further and curtailed your rights quite dramatically in banning all lasers, even safe ones, all together. This generally happens when the rights are those that the general govt. or populace don't see as important.

You'll see the same things start to happen with regards to legal handguns in American cities within 4 years, I think.
wonder if hillary or obama becomes the next POTUS, we may have to register our lasers. (hillary would use the permit fees for her presidential library).

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