OK, so today I've been playing with the BigLeef kit in 2C configuration that I just got, only to discover that the runtimes on my AW C-size li-ions absolutely suck.
What I'm saying that I'm getting only 30 minutes of runtime with 2A load (which is like .6C discharge rate) before the protection circuit kicks in... which tells me that the batteries now deliver like a third of their stated capacity.
These cells have never been in active use. They only have a few cycles on them. They were purchased back in June, and back then, I didn't notice any problems, the runtimes were as expected. I must say that they were stored in a discharged state ( 3.5V) for a couple of months after the last use, I'm wondering if this contributed to the problem?
Anyway... I'm frustrated because: 1- I can't use my brand spanking new BigLeef system, 2-because those cells were $22 a pop, 3-they are no longer available, and 4-I'm not sure if I can trust them and will probably have to go the A123 route instead :/
Just wanted to share/vent.
What I'm saying that I'm getting only 30 minutes of runtime with 2A load (which is like .6C discharge rate) before the protection circuit kicks in... which tells me that the batteries now deliver like a third of their stated capacity.
These cells have never been in active use. They only have a few cycles on them. They were purchased back in June, and back then, I didn't notice any problems, the runtimes were as expected. I must say that they were stored in a discharged state ( 3.5V) for a couple of months after the last use, I'm wondering if this contributed to the problem?
Anyway... I'm frustrated because: 1- I can't use my brand spanking new BigLeef system, 2-because those cells were $22 a pop, 3-they are no longer available, and 4-I'm not sure if I can trust them and will probably have to go the A123 route instead :/
Just wanted to share/vent.