Bad news for Spyderco....

Another example of pleading out to avoid the expense of a trial.

When arrogant, overzealous government wins, we all loose.
MicroE said:
Balisong knives are often called butterfly knives, NOT switchblades.
I've known that all too well as a pinoy. Interesting how the article that's linked above stated that they classify said knives as "switchblades."
I, too, don't see how they are qualified as switchblades. Unfortunately, they are what the government says they are unless you're willing to spend millions to prove otherwise.

"You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride"

I'm surprised we're still able to possess "assisted openers".

This is my day to rag on the government.
Sal is a very honorable guy and probably refused to grease the right palms.

Friggin' government. All I can say is, if you like something that is evil, you'd better stock up now. Firearms, knives, swords, air guns, anything.

Have you seen the only "legal" knife in Great Britain? It's basically a less-than-2" single blade slip joint. It sure has helped the crime rate there--keep climbing!

Coming to Amerika soon!
Friggin government.:barf:
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greenlight said:
How about posting a pic for those who don't know what knife?

Ok, sorry Im sure not everyone knows what a balisong is...Its often called a butterfly knife...becasue fo the fact that it can be opened with gravity it falls under the switchblade act, but this is different depending on where you live...

Spyderco had 2 balisongs in production (Spyderfly, and szabofly), and a 3rd on the way (smallfly, which was a smaller version of the spyderfly)...




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I'm really not that familiar with balisongs. I can see how they can be partially opened by gravity but not completely. I see them being opened by inertia - but then so can almost any other folder. That was a market point for the early Spydercos. Hold the blade and flip the handle.
Well there is a large balisong community which is constantly trying to better themselves as far as manipulating the balisong, it is an art and it takes along time to get really good consistantly...For the most part your right it has alot to do with showing off for most people, but an experienced user likes the balisogn as an everyday knife as well...I sometimes carry one myself, it is very handy and good quality balisongs like Benchmade makes can take a realy beating and be used just like any other knife...

What sucks in this case is that they have effected collectors like me and many others who use our balisongs for fun and not for crime...Most of the time you will not see a criminal use a $100 + knife, but rather the $10 cheapos you cna find at flea markets...but because spyderco is a well knwon compnay and they merchandise can be traced easily they were an easy target, rather than the chinese companies that import these things in unmarked containers that cannot be checked easily because there are so mnay being imported and exported so often...Even though there are thousands of knife collectors that are mad by this the general public think its a good thign to keep weapons off the street, but in reality its only hurting good honest people like myself...
Dammit, that pisses me off. Spyderco better not go under because of this. :mad:

Why aren't they going after Benchmade? They probably sold 100x butterfly knives (its the origin of their logo!!!) .
The problem is not that they are selling or shipping balisong in the US, the problem is that they were having parts imported from other countries, so it became a customs issue...Benchmade makes and assembles all of their balisong parts in the US so they do not go through customs to the best of my knowledge...
If anyone is more interested about balisongs you can talk about them as well as ask questions over at: (has its own balisong section with good traffic) (not as much traffic but also has its own balisong section) (all balisongs all the time, lol)

And if you have one and want to learn some moves you can check out: (click on techniques)
And tons of more inof and moves at

Oh I almost forgot about Chucks site...
It's frustrating... It's always the same type of story. The Fed can't find Osama or stop the ICBM technology hemorrage from North Korea but they've got plenty of resourses to make up bogus definitions of switchblades and harass businesses that contribute to the economy. Some things never change...for the better.
Ever encroaching government strikes again! It's not going to end until we are like all of the other 3d world countries out there. If we don't assert our Constitutional rights and closely monitor or "servants" in Washington DC this nonsense/garbage will continue...cradle to grave. After all...."they" know what's in our best interests. Shut up and do as your told. It's not just our founding fathers that are "turning in their graves", so are our fathers. :rant:
its unfortunate huh...messed up priorities...totally off topic but there are people serving long prison terms for possesion of marijuana but some murderers like OJ get off the hook because of their money...but as messed up as it is I still Love the US...but then again I never left it? Maybe there are other places better than the US to live?