Bargain Eneloops - 8 for $8.93


Newly Enlightened
Oct 28, 2006
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Was checking out Amazon for Eneloops and found a site that sells 8 eneloops for $8.93 plus $4.99 for shipping. That comes to $1.74 each. Darn good price.

The catch.... they are "refurbished" which means that it is an open box unit with minor damage to outer box. Still sounds ok to me at the price. I will let you know the result of my bargain hunting when I receive them.
thanks CandleLite for noting this. After visiting the site, I decided to get an 8 pak ordered 5-9 and chose 4 to 14 days for shipping so I have not received them yet. Sounds like a good deal.
Linky to the Amazon site, please!

Edit: Never mind. Finding it was as easy as typing in "eneloop batteries" into the Firefox search window (w/Amazon pluggin)!

Can Eneloops be charged with other chargers and will a fast charger charge them safely and effectively?

Edit2: Never mind, again. I just read the linked thread, (I know, I should have done that before asking.)and it appears that the answer is yes!

Edit3: Finally, thanks! Just bought two! I think, there is 1 left. (maybe, 2)
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Keep in mind that it's $4.99 shipping for each 8 pack no matter how many you order at one time.
Thanks for the heads up on this one. I send for an 8 pack and just received it. I figured, how bad can it be at that price; even including shipping it's slightly more than half the best price around. They implied that the only issue was that the packaging had been opened. That was the case for the 8 pack I received. The side had been cleanly slit where someone had taken them out and then replaced them. It was scotch taped in two places. Otherwise, the batteries look new. All 8 of them measure 1.31v. I'll keep an eye on them over the next week to see what happens, but right now I'm a happy camper. This seems to be a great bargain.
Received my refurbished Eneloops and they all read as 1.28V. Came in a messy cracked package but the batteries seem fine.

Also noticed that Amazon is now selling them for $7.87 plus $4.99 for shipping. I can't imagine why the price is dropping but if the trend continues there will be some even bigger bargains for the Eneloops. :clap:

Correction... $7.87 is the price for 4 batteries. Not quite as good.
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I purchased the Eneloop cell/charger combo recently at Wal*Mart.

All 4 Eneloop cells measured exactly 1.316v out of the package. Didn't notice a manufacture date.

Be careful when purchasing rechargeables with "messy, cracked packaging." Just because they may appear OK on the outside, there may be internal damage inside, which could result in early failure.

For instance, maybe an earlier customer had dropped the package while examining it, or tossed it in a cart, and then decided against purchase and replaced it on the peg.:oops:

Hopefully this is not the case here with the bargain Eneloops.

Personally, I try to treat my rechargeable cells very gently, like eggs.:crazy:

At the local Wal*Mart,I get a kick out of seeing an opened package of rechargeables, that was bought, and then returned, stapled shut, with a couple strips of scotch tape for good measure, with dog-earred corners, hanging on the shelf. Right next to some brand new, pristine condition cells.

Who on earth is going to pay full price for those rejects???:confused:
Received my 16 cells. Man, they shipped FAST! One 8 pack came in fairly a messed up package but the cells looked fine. The other 8 pack looked like brand new with no damage at all and appeared to never have even been opened.

I'm impressed with the build quality of these Eneloops as all my rechargeable AA and AAA cells are Powerex cells from Thomas Dist. and they don't exhibit the build quality these do.

I didn't take a read on the cells as delivered and I immediately put them all on the charger. They all took awhile to top off. After resting they all now read from 1.41-1.43V.

Thanks for the heads up CandleLite!
I tried -- and failed -- to buy Eneloops locally in this Philadelphia suburb at Sears, Walmart, Eckerts, a local pharmacy, and an electronics store in a major mall this evening.

Is this a conspiracy? I just want to power up my Minim@g's + Terrelux and a M@g85 I just assembled.

Tomorrow I guess I will hit the telephone book.

Waiting is such sweet sorrow...

cy said:
8 for $20 now..

anyone got a link to the $8.93?

If you can't find it, they're gone. There were only three when I clicked on it, and I bought two of them. I actually had all three in my cart, but cheap skate me said, "oooh, I don't know...$43...(which shipping)...I think I'll put on back." Of course, I was stupid, and am now wishing I'd bought them all, as I seem to be finding more and more uses for them. I actually haven't measured the second pack, but in the first pack that I opened, all 8 cells measured exactly 1.312 volts.

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