Good 8+ bay charger for AA/AAA also simple for family


Newly Enlightened
Jun 10, 2009
I'm searching for a 8+ bay charger for AA/AAA batteries that also available in Europe ( Sweden) I manly have Enenloops and IKEA 2450 grey batteries. I want something that every in the family can put in those batteries and it will charge and not destroy them but if it has some more function it's not negative I will manly use it. I already have a 4 bay with analyzer etc

My main Brad has been powerex but don't know how well they will stand up today

I been look in

MH-C980 Powerex
Miboxer C8.

but there seems mixed reviews

any ideas?
I have two Maha C-800S chargers which I bought back in 2007(!) and have been plugged in near 24/7. Still going, even if the displays have faded slightly. I'd possibly buy new ones, but these still work and do everything I wanted. I intentionally bought the C800S over the more expensive options because it has slower charge rates.
I'm not picky with NiMH chargers so I use the $14 powerowl 8 bay charger. Still working so far, had it 2 years, also plugged in all the time.
For what it's worth I purchased the XSTAR vC8 and it works great. It's a easy unit to use if using for charging only and the other features are simple to use also, hope you find the one that's right for you.
If you'll be using eneloops get a smart charger, vc8 is a good option, i have it too, among many others.
However there is a small problem with nimh, most of them are not that great with smart chargers, they do not terminate charge properly, in case of eneloops it is all fine, but other brands, not so much. You could get a smart charger, put in a battery, it will charge, but it may not charge them fully, that is the issue i experienced with many nimh cells brands.
At first i had no idea, my smart chargers do not fully charge nimh cells, I noticed my eneloop cells took longer to charge than tenergy, and other brands, so i ran other cells in discharge mode, and realized they only charged half way, or even less in case of D cells. At first i thought the cells must be shot, but then I used simple 4 bay charger( that came with Duracell nimh 2300 iirc, horrible cells, btw.) then i discharged them in a smart charger and noticed that dumb charger did charge cells fully, while smart chargers would not.
Now how much better are the smart chargers vs dumb timers? that is a good question, if we take identical cells, use them the same way, but one was charged with a smart charger, and other was not, the one from smart charger will probably give you more lifespan, how much more, really hard to answer exactly, depends on battery brand, charge current.... I personally didn't notice dramatic drop, but then i'm not using nimh enough to compare 2 side by side in such a long term comparison