batteries via laser pointers


Sep 17, 2006
i was wondering whats the ideal type of batteries suitable for laser.

got one cheapo green laser pointer, had inserted with cheap alkalines.

if by inserting either with nimh or TI batteries will it be 'better' as in more stable ?

depends on your frequency of use, if your planning to use it everyday/night NiMH might be ideal, if you plan to leave your pointer on you and suffer as you would in hot outdoor weather/cold indoor AC or anywhere with high temperature differences and low frequency of use, I'd consider Energizer L92 lithium AAs.

Whereas normal use for me [3-7 times a week] and normally stored in its case, I use Duracell Ultra Digital I am fed up with coppertops leaking all over the place :shakehead
Some "lithium" cells are signifigantly higher voltage than the 1.5 volts per cell rating on the package. Overloading/Overdriving a laser diode can have very unpleasant effects. I would stick with alkies, and remember to remove the cells after use.Same voltage issues can apply to unprotected rechargables, too. ymmv.
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Guys you dont have to worry about overdriving with L91/92's underload they are the voltage that a alkie ought be in the first place, I think the Li cells lightinthewallet is trying to warn us about is LiCo batts that are easily 3x the resting volatage of alkies
the resting voltage of a new L91,L92 is actually around 1.7V.. under load, it should drop to 1.5.

this is dramatically different with alkalines, whose voltage drops quickly under load.

NiMhs are a bit better, but they drop to 1.2V under load.. .3V away from lithium L91,L92s...

cost wise.. it's much cheaper to be using NiMh cells... the small theoretical performance boost in using L91,L92s is very small..
regardless, it should be safe running the slightly higher voltage cells.. laser pointers normally have regulation circuitry.. I have never seen a direct drive laser pointer... except in those pathetic kipkay "hacks"... those pointers will die extremely quickly...

but who knows? could be a low quality laser pointer...
so, as some posters have said in this thread... YMMV
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