Alan B
Flashlight Enthusiast
Much of the available information for Battery and Bulb selection for Hotwires is based on direct drive, possibly with a current limiting thermistor.
In this thread I would like to explore the somewhat different setups that make sense when a Programmable Hotwire Regulator is added to the light. This is important since the bulb voltage can be precisely controlled and the battery voltage need be only higher than bulb voltage. Another important change is the soft start and how that allows a higher current to be drawn from many protected cells without tripping their overcurrent protection during startup. Together these features change the combinations that are practical and useful.
Really there are three parameters involved in these recipes. Besides the battery and bulb there is the physical package. Solutions are really tuned for the particular battery space. Perhaps the output of this discussion can be a list of useful recipes for regulated hotwires. I will put this list into a subsequent posting below in this thread.
Optimal choices are when the battery voltage is greater than bulb voltage, but not by too large a factor. Regulation works best when the PWM duty cycle is greater than 50%, and this occurs when the battery to bulb voltage ratio is less than 1.4:1. Direct drive compatible solutions are also somewhat sub-optimal since the duty cycle reaches 100% and the system falls out of regulation at the highest level.
Note that these regulators are presently in final development and testing. See the separate threads on the design and status of these projects listed below.
-- Alan
Hotwire Regulator FAQ
Alan B's D M@g Drop-In Programmable Hotwire Regulated Driver:
wquiles SF-M6 Programmable Hotwire Regulated Battery Pack:
JimmyM's D-M@g Programmable Hotwire Regulator:
LuxLuthor's Destructive Bulb Testing Data:
LuxLuthor's Most Powerful M@glite Mods List:
Litho's Bulbs:
FiveMega's Battery Holders, Bulb Sockets, Reflectors, Bulbs and Hosts:
In this thread I would like to explore the somewhat different setups that make sense when a Programmable Hotwire Regulator is added to the light. This is important since the bulb voltage can be precisely controlled and the battery voltage need be only higher than bulb voltage. Another important change is the soft start and how that allows a higher current to be drawn from many protected cells without tripping their overcurrent protection during startup. Together these features change the combinations that are practical and useful.
Really there are three parameters involved in these recipes. Besides the battery and bulb there is the physical package. Solutions are really tuned for the particular battery space. Perhaps the output of this discussion can be a list of useful recipes for regulated hotwires. I will put this list into a subsequent posting below in this thread.
Optimal choices are when the battery voltage is greater than bulb voltage, but not by too large a factor. Regulation works best when the PWM duty cycle is greater than 50%, and this occurs when the battery to bulb voltage ratio is less than 1.4:1. Direct drive compatible solutions are also somewhat sub-optimal since the duty cycle reaches 100% and the system falls out of regulation at the highest level.
Note that these regulators are presently in final development and testing. See the separate threads on the design and status of these projects listed below.
-- Alan
Hotwire Regulator FAQ
Alan B's D M@g Drop-In Programmable Hotwire Regulated Driver:
wquiles SF-M6 Programmable Hotwire Regulated Battery Pack:
JimmyM's D-M@g Programmable Hotwire Regulator:
LuxLuthor's Destructive Bulb Testing Data:
LuxLuthor's Most Powerful M@glite Mods List:
Litho's Bulbs:
FiveMega's Battery Holders, Bulb Sockets, Reflectors, Bulbs and Hosts:
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