Bay Area, CA BBQ Sun, 4/29


Jan 23, 2007
Bay Area, CA
I will be having a BBQ at my house for a few of my light, knife & gun hobbyist friends/spouses. It will be on Sunday, April 29th 11am to hopefully after dark (for you light freaks) in Livermore. If anyone would be interested in giving some sort of mod demonstration, that might interest some folks (like There is an outdoor gun range a couple miles from my place (feel free to bring ANY toys), I am sure some will end up there for a bit. I usually do up some wings (mandatory), tri-tip?, sausage, seafood, veggies and the like. Side dishes are always welcome. Let me know if any of you are interested and we can work out any details, please email me as well as posting on this thread. Thanks everyone, I look forward to some education.
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Re: Bay Area, CA BBQ

I will be in the Bay Area next week, but no other times, thought it would be fun to hit up a MidCal GTG but I guess not.
Re: Bay Area, CA BBQ

I was hoping this would fall on a day off, but unfortunately I work Sundays.
Re: Bay Area, CA BBQ

Groundhog66 said:
Gee, I thought there would be more interest.
You've only had 54 views so far. The weekend should bring that number way up.
Re: Bay Area, CA BBQ

Some of us are just kind of shy. :) While I do tend to give impromptu flashlight demo's they are almost never planned. More like in the aisle of the hardware store.

How many folks did you say you were expecting? Any of them from CPF? What kind of demo are you thinking of? I could possibly get together with you to prep YOU to do the mod demo. I'm just one town to the west of you.

Re: Bay Area, CA BBQ

gadget_lover said:
Some of us are just kind of shy. :) While I do tend to give impromptu flashlight demo's they are almost never planned. More like in the aisle of the hardware store.

How many folks did you say you were expecting? Any of them from CPF? What kind of demo are you thinking of? I could possibly get together with you to prep YOU to do the mod demo. I'm just one town to the west of you.


Nothing specific, just anything someone would want to share. No need to be shy here, There are usually only 2 or 3 guys and their spouses. VERY casual, nothing expected. I will be having this shindig Sunday, April 29th. We usually get together between 11am and 1pm, last one went until about 9ish. Please do not be shy, hard to meet new people these days. Please PM or email me with any interest so I can have an accurate head count. Hope to hear from at least a couple of you.


Check out this link on Microholics.;act=ST;f=8;t=14525
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Ok, count us in. Yes, it is hard too meet new people. There will be 2, myself and Weedle256. Will also PM.
I can make it and show some of my hotwire mods, but 11:00 AM is way, way, way too early for a flashaholic. I usually don't even get up till noon on weekends. Due to the nature of our hobby, flashaholics are more nocturnal types.

What time are evening eats? I can show up around 6:00 or 7:00. Civil twilight (time after which it's dark enough to demo flashlights if there's no moon) is at 8:24 on the 29th. You also get unlucky on the moon. It's a full moon, and it rises at 5:45. Flashlight demos will not be nearly as impressive as if you had picked a more flashaholic friendly date.

Maybe I can drag master modder, Modamag, along with me.
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JimH said:
I can make it and show some of my hotwire mods, but 11:00 AM is way, way, way too early for a flashaholic. I usually don't even get up till noon on weekends. Due to the nature of our hobby, flashaholics are more nocturnal types.

What time are evening eats? I can show up around 6:00 or 7:00. Civil twilight (time after which it's dark enough to demo flashlights if there's no moon) is at 8:24 on the 29th. You also get unlucky on the moon. It's a full moon, and it rises at 5:45. Flashlight demos will not be nearly as impressive as if you had picked a more flashaholic friendly date.

Maybe I can drag master modder, Modamag, along with me.

Let me know if you are going to be able to make it and I can have some back-up eats for you guys, I am quite sure I will be hungry again anyway. :grin2:
I am in the process of placing my Draco order, it would be great to converse with the designer. Hope to see you guys, let me know.

Just a reminder, BBQ time is approaching. I just ask that if you are interested, PLEASE post so we can get more participation. I know I have been in contact with a few of you that have not posted as of yet. Don't worry, I will not hold you to it but it helps when planning a menu. I look forward to meeting you.
Pretty sure I can make it to this one. Looking forward to the BBQ ribs :D
Anyone like oyster? If so I'll grab a 25-50lbs bag.
How far is that from Waterloo? I'll be there for most of the time that Sunday. Maybe I can swing by later on in the evening. :thinking: If I don't get lost. :huh:
CHC said:
How far is that from Waterloo? I'll be there for most of the time that Sunday. Maybe I can swing by later on in the evening. :thinking: If I don't get lost. :huh:

Waterloo is in IOWA, you are already lost :ohgeez:

Not sure where it is actually, I can check though.

modamag said:
Pretty sure I can make it to this one. Looking forward to the BBQ ribs :D
Anyone like oyster? If so I'll grab a 25-50lbs bag.

I have a variety of hot sauces to go on those oysters :mad:

I hope you are bringing something else with you as well :whistle: