Bay Area Lunch ~~~ 03/29/07 ~~~


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 16, 2004
Bay Area, CA
We haven't had one of these for ages (well maybe a month).

So it's time to gather up your latest toys, take a break from your hard morning @ work and join us at another Bay Area Flashaholic lunch.

This time lunch will be located at one of the local joint of Mongolian BBQ. Here you get to be the artist/chef and create your own fav dish.

El Camino Mongolian BBQ
3380 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95051
(408) 241-2413
~~~ reviews ~~~


Google Map Directions

See you all there @ 11:45AM March 29th (Thurday).
This lunch time may just work out in my favor. . .Haven't had Mongolian BBQ in a quite a spell. Looking forward to it then!
Let me check my schedule... looks open.
I'm there.

JimH, bring that DVD on "survival techniques" if you found it.
Thanks !
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Hello modamag! I was wondering if you'll be bringing your Draco. The last time I saw one was at the Thai Restaurant where it was still in its "blank in the white" stage. I've yet to see a finished turnkey up close and personal.

Thanks and will see ya'll!
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Yay! Tasty beef. I'll be there.

If there's anything I have that you want to see, just say so and I'll bring it over.
TigerhawkT3 said:
If there's anything I have that you want to see, just say so and I'll bring it over.
I want to see how much brighter your L2D is over my L1D. If I remember correctly you carry two at all times.

It looks more likely I will be there. I think I can combine this with something else I need to do.
LowBat said:
I want to see how much brighter your L2D is over my L1D. If I remember correctly you carry two at all times.

It looks more likely I will be there. I think I can combine this with something else I need to do.
No problem. I'm going out of town this weekend, so I've been charging cells in anticipation. The L2D-CEs should be at the top of their game. I'll bring the L1D-CE, too, just in case you want to see that as well.

BTW, I've got a recent creation of mine sitting on the back seat of my car, so y'all'll probably get to check it out. I've tested it once, and it's pretty cool.
I'll try to make it. Anyone have a compact HID, something along the size of the soon to appear EZNITE? Can you bring it on this short notice?
I feel the pull for my first HID. Or should I just wait for LEDs to catch up?