Bay Area "National Geographics" Viewing 06/02/07


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 16, 2004
Bay Area, CA
Friends, as many of you know, National Geographics will be having a special air regarding flashlight on 06/02/07.
I would like to make this into a lil ol get together where we all can just hang out, and enjoy our five seconds of fame.

So the timeline for the meet is on 06/2/07 10:30 AM - 4PM.
I plan to fire up the BBQ @ 12:30 and watch the rerun @ 1:00 PM.

At the same time, anyone who wish to come and use some of my toys for modding are more than welcome to it.
Toys including: mill, lathe, meters, solder station ... etc.

Regarding food, this is what we have
1. Modded Korean BBQ (Katie)
2. Shrimp egg rolls (Katie)
3. Asian Salad (Katie)
4. Drinks (vacuum3D)
5. Brownies (weedle)

If you plan to bring a dish please make a post of what you're bringing so there's no duplicate.
If you're you'll be able to attend this get-together and see some old friends, please make a post here for reservation (so I know how much food to get).

Here's the current attendance list (not including host):
dduane & Chris
vacuum3D & son
weedle & SheDevil
PaulB & wife & 2 son
Weylan & wife & son (maybe YES!)


If you don't have my address. Drop me a PM or email.
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Hello modamag!

Thanks for the invite earlier this afternoon. Wish I could make it, but I'll be out of town for three (3) days. Looking forward to seeing it when I get back.

Dang it! Sometimes I feel like I'm on the wrong coast. :sigh:

-DF kids just have too many activities lately...this Saturday it's softball and swimming...have fun, hope I can maybe make it next time.....
Oh, I am so there.

I'll try to drag along my friend (the one who comes to these get-togethers from time to time), and I'll bring my latest toys.
Hey Jon, I need some info about the technical aspect of the showing. Will it be a simple on-air rerun? What do you get NGC from - cable or satellite? Does your cable box or satellite receiver have standard female RCA line out jacks? My house has DISH Network, and the receivers have standard female RCA line out jacks, which I am able to record from.

Mmm... BBQ...
It's Dish sat. Input is standard RG6/F-connector. Output is F-connector or RCA and S-video.

I have it on tape recording just in case.
Could someone please record this. I'm soooo out of the country right now. I wish I could see this show.
can someone record this and post the video online? My cable does not include NGC :(