Bayco Night Stick and Dorcy LED PR bulb Reviews


Jul 6, 2006
East Central Pennsylvania
Bayco Night Stick

While attending FCW-6, I saw the Bayco Night Stick which was one of the many lights provided by the event's sponsors. This one was donated by


I agreed to do long-term testing on this light and will update this review as time goes on. But here are official details on the light and my initial impressions.

The Bayco Night Stick is a 9 inch portable work light. It features 37 total LEDs, one in front and 36 arranged on the side. It can be used as a normal flashlight as well as a work light, utilizing the flood of the 36 emitters on the side. This makes it perfect for shedding an even light over a workspace. The included magnetic clip attachment allows for hands-free use, a definite plus.

This unusual light stood out among the rest because it was so different. Right away, I was brainstorming ways of using it on, among other things, my kayak.

The output of this thing is impressive. The single LED in the front is rated at 65 lumens, with a nice combination of throw and spill from the smooth reflector. The side lights are 72 lumens and are all flood. Both can be used alone or together, adding up to 137 lumens. To change modes, you press the button to toggle through front, side or dual output.

This thing can really light up a room. I clipped it to my fridge and the ceiling bounce from the front was enough to see clearly by, but the addition of the flood from the side was even better. The body of the light is plastic but has a really nice rubber-like texture that reminds me of my laptop. It has just the right amount of grip to it.

The Night Stick is a slick light and comes in handy anywhere a flashlight or work light would be needed. Unusual is good. Unusual is great when it's useful like the Night Stick.



Battery Type: AAA x 4
Modes: 3 (flashlight, floodlight, dual)
Lumens: 65, 72, 137

Flashlight: 12 hours
Floodlight: 7 hours
Both: 5 hours

Retail price: $37

I also acquired a Dorcy LED PR based replacement bulb, supplied by Dorcy.

They come in two types: 30 Lumen and 40 Lumen. I chose the 40 Lumen because it will work in a light with an operating voltage of 4.5v to 6v, or, a common 4 cell light or lantern that uses a krypton bulb with similar base.

For only $10, it's a great way to revitalize an old light that otherwise can't compete with modern LED flashlights.
Thanks for the reviews, AyeMayanor. That Bayco Night Stick is interesting. I've got the smallest (1 AAA) Bayco with 2 5mm LEDs out the front and 2 floodier ones out the side. Kinda like it. I'll have to see if WalMart has the Night Stick model, too.


Thanks for the review. When I first looked at the BayCo all I could think was, "are the LEDs so you can see where you hit the perp?" or; "Hey Bubba, lookit THIS!.... kaCRaaKK!....oowowwoowwooowww!" Glad to read that my heavyhanded mind was far off base...
I just picked up the 61 LED version for $20 at Lowes. 60 LEDs arrayed for the floodlight and a CREE (warm tint) on the end. The flood is quit bright. Maine takes 4xAA. It also has 2 rubber-booted buttons to operate the different modes. One switch is momentary and controls the "spot" light and the other switch is a 2-mode (100%, 50%).

Right after I got home with it I had to mark my underground sprinklers because I had someone coming the next day to core aerate my lawn so that he doesn't run over my sprinkler heads. I used the NightStick flood to locate my sprinkler heads and it worked great! I knew roughly where they were, but they were deep in the grass covers in grass and needed exact locations to put little flags next to them.

I'll try this light for my night walks with my wife. I am currenly using a nailbender 3-mode SST-90 drop-in + Surefire 6P bored for 18650 so I see how effective the design is for that.
I picked up the 61-led model a few weeks back at Lowes,its a good deal I think for $20.It sells for more elseware. Wish it had a magnet on the back though.