BC-900 Button/Channel 1 not selectable?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 21, 2006
I have 16 batteries that I am in the process of "refreshing" and was hoping to be able to swap them out as each finished as opposed to waiting for all 4 to finish and then swap them all out.

In my first run, slot 1 completed and I tried to put in a new battery in and change it's mode/current alone while not interrupting the 2,3,4 slot/channel. No dice, either channel 1 can't be set by pushing the slot 1 button (never starts blinking, indicating it's mode can be changed) or my button 1 is broken. Slot 2,3,4 do allow changing after startup by pushing their button.

Can anyone verify that either slot 1 is not capable of being changed on the fly, which wouldn't completely surprise me since slot 1 is kind of different, or is my slot 1 button is broken?
Hello Veto,

It is a known "issue" that changing programs on one slot while continuing the current programs in the other slots can often cause the BC-900 to reset, or end up changing all the slots to the new program.

I don't remember it being only with slot 1. I thought that all the slots were effected. It doesn't happen every time, but often enough to make you just wait until all the cells have finished.

I would think that if you can select anything with your slot 1 button, it should be OK.

Good luck.


Thanks for affirming my issue, I was afraid it was either my charger or something I was doing wrong.

Sure would be nice if they fixed it though!