- Have you ever checked the DISPLAYED Charge Rate on your SMART 'Adjustable Charge Rate' Charger/Analyzer and compared it to your SELECTED Charge Rate?
. - Were they close (within ±1-2%), or WAY OFF (>5%)?
. - Did you wonder WHY?
- Charger Internal Resistance
- Charger Contacts Resistance
- Cell Contacts Resistance
- Cell Internal Resistance
I rotated them, in place, several times (Charger Contacts to Cell Resistance) and only gained a few mA so I pulled them out to check their C9000 Impedance Check Voltage. While A2 only went from 1.54VDC to 1.58VDC, A1 *JUMPED* from 1.54VDC to 1.78VDC! A3 and A4 faired better (see table below), but gave uneven results when 'Topping Off' - A3 tripped the I-C³ 'Internal DONE Switch' after 887mAh while A4 terminated normally after only 402mAh.
Charger circuitry also seems to play a BIG role in this scenario :thinking: - where the BC-900 SELECTED vs DISPLAYED Charge Rate dropped 160mA (~9%), the C9000 only dropped 24mA (~1%). *AND*, comparing A1 to A2, the spread on the BC-900 is 170mA, while on the C9000 it's only 10mA.
A1 is now off to several cycles of 45/70's Deep Discharge Technique to see if I can get that 1.78VDC Impedance Check Voltage back down where it was.
That's what I get for letting them sit for almost 3 months!
Rayovac I-C³ 2000mAh AA [A] | #1 #2 #3 #4
12/02/09 BC900 Discharge: 100 | x x
12/02/09 C9000 Discharge: 100 | x 7
12/02/09 C9000 Discharge: 1000 | x 321 n/a n/a mAh
12/02/09 BC900 Charge: 1800 | n/a n/a +887t +402 mAh Top Off
12/02/09 C9000 Charge: 1800 | 1776 1786 1791 1787 mAh Actual CHARGE RATE
12/02/09 BC900 Charge: 1800 | 1640 1810 1804 1804 mAh Actual CHARGE RATE
12/02/09 C9000 Impedance Check: | 1.78 1.58 1.47 1.51 VDC
09/18/09 C9000 Break-In | 1721 1707 1684 1672 mAh#
09/16/09 C9000 Impedance Check: | 1.54 1.54 1.52 1.54 VDC
09/16/09 C9000 Discharge: 400 | 1457 1467 1571 1570 mAh
09/15/09 BC900 Charge: 1800 | n/a n/a +1995t+2040 mAh (1:06/1:08, 111°F)
09/15/09 BC900 Charge: 1800 |+1860t+1882 n/a n/a mAh (1:02/1:02, 110°F)
09/15/09 BC900 Discharge: 100 | 108 153 147 142 mAh
09/14/09 C9000 Discharge: 100 | 0 0 24 51 mAh
09/14/09 C9000 Discharge: 400 | 111 218 1322 1424 mAh
09/14/09 C9000 Impedance Check: | 1.54 1.56 1.51 1.54 VDC
[Bought: mm/dd/yy - HP Camera, GPS, RS Thermometer]
On a more positive note, today's "Discovery"
I'm going to start tracking the 'SELECTED vs DISPLAYED Charge Rate mA Difference' on cells with high C9000 Impedance Check Voltage / INTERNAL RESISTANCE and see if this theory 'holds water'.
Any other CPF members who own both chargers interested in comparing results?