Beamshots wanted... Cree LED in a Smooth reflector


Sep 6, 2005
Palo Alto, CA
Title pretty much says it all...
I am curious just how "ringy" Cree emitters are when used with smooth reflectors.

All pics greatly appreciated!! Both outdoors and white wall blasting, any Cree bin.

If you have A/B comparison pics showing throw distance... smooth versus OP, that would be great too.
Feel free to post your setups too.

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sorry if this is going a little off topic...but while were on cree' it just me or do all/most the beamshots from crees have a distinct round uniform/flat hotspot instead of a nice smooth transition from the hotspot(being distinctly brighter at the centre) to spill like you'd see with luxeons...anyone know why? is more light hitting the reflector?
It's just the LED's emission pattern. Crees don't work well with the reflectors that we've been using for Lux Is and IIIs, so manufacturers had to work out their own optics. Usually, more light hides defects.
sorry if this is going a little off topic...but while were on cree' it just me or do all/most the beamshots from crees have a distinct round uniform/flat hotspot instead of a nice smooth transition from the hotspot(being distinctly brighter at the centre) to spill like you'd see with luxeons...anyone know why? is more light hitting the reflector?

I think it has something to do with the metal ring around the Cree LED.

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