Beefing up incan spotlight


Newly Enlightened
Apr 8, 2009
I acquired a dead Black and Decker 2mcp spotlight. It is the one with two LEDs and a 75w main beam. I pulled the SLA out of it and it read 6.1 volts - totally dead. I removed the charger and found out two 7.2v sub c packs fit almost perfectly.

I noticed the small gauge wire used, would it be worth rewiring it while I have it open? I am also thinking of a 100w bulb. The switch is rated for 15A, should I replace it? I am not sure how to measure the resistance of the switch.
i wouldn't bother with changing a switch, it wont make much difference, what i would suggest, is getting hid kit with slim ballast, there are tons of them on e bay, and the web, 35w hid (can find a kit for 60-70$, good for 2 lights) it will be about as bright as 100w halogen, but with 1\3 of draw, you get more runtime.
If you're just replacing the batteries, don't bother with the wiring. If you going to a 100W bulb the wiring would be a good idea to replace. The switch will be fine as is at 15A.