Beginner modder questions? Help would be appreciated.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2008
A place in need of light.
I just started getting in to flash light "stuff" and I would like to start modding my lights, though there is still some things I simply don't understand and if any one of you out there could shed some light "ignore the pun" it would be greatly appreciated: How do you over drive a light? What do you use to over drive a light such as using something like a"1 ohm NTC" what is that? Where do I buy it? What's a driver board? And were can I find a cheap light meter? Thanks:wave:. really need to take some time just reading and learning.
This is the welcome mat;( if I got the link right).
I would also suggest you think of some simple mods- going full bore might be a bit much. ALso look in the marketplace- many members sell items there.
Deal Extreme sells driver boards, and I think a meter too. You must use paypal with him.

You probably haven't gotten much response because your asking for a full education- rather than one or two specific questions.

Take a bit more time...good luck!
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