Behind the curve: 3C Maglight, what to do?

Dude Dudeson

Jun 8, 2009
Sacramento, California
So I've become a flashaholic, although my collection is extremely modest...

Found my old 3C Maglight the other day - I figure that'd be the place for me to start my first mod project!

Some background - I'm a computer builder, using things like Arctic Silver are nothing to me, I have a somewhat decent ability with a soldering gun and working with boards, etc...

I'm thinking of trying to do something with this housing - obviously there's plenty of heatsinking/cooling opportunity there...

Basically something that'd exceed my 6PLED by far, runtimes be damned, but something for a beginner...

Any suggestions for a newbie project? Mainly in terms of hardware itself, I'm not looking for a "step by step manual" here...

EDIT: I should say, I'm only interested in LED mods, which is why I posted here, if this is posted in the wrong place let me know...
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How old is the 3C Mag? Optimally, the serial # should begin with the letter "C". I believe that the Mag heat sinks offered on CPF are sized to fit that generation of Mag inside tube diameter. The older C Mags are slightly larger in diameter. Thus, you can still mod it using a standard Mag heat sink, but you'll have to "sleeve" the heat sink in some fashion to make good thermal contact with the Mag tube. You could use aluminum foil, 3M copper tape, or perhaps machine a thin sleeve.

The larger tube ID of the older C Mags might be a benefit if you choose to use AW's IMR26500 cells to drive your light. Those cells are slightly too big to fit into most current C Mags. But they might fit into the old C Mags. The "IMR26500 Fitment" thread has the cell diameter at about 1.033". However, one poster stated that the IMRs didn't fit in some of his old C Mags. Another poster measured a smaller ID than what I've measured.

Edit: I just checked my IMR26500 cells in my old 4C Maglite and the fit is tight. The cells go in but are difficult to pull out. You probably need a strong magnet to pull out the cells.

I measure 1.033" diam at the top of the IMR, 1.032" at the center and bottom. For my old 4C Mag (no "C" in the serial number), I get 1.120" at the very bottom of the tube before the start of the tail threads and 1.050" at the threads. I can't get in deep enough to measure the tube diameter past the threads, but that diameter is clearly less than at the end of the tube. The IMRs go in easily initially, but quickly get tight when they hit the main part of the C Mag tube.
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I just bought a 3C Mag on Tuesday... for the aluminum body, of course. :twothumbs

2 18650 in a spacer tube and a MC-E wired 2s2p isn't a bad option.