Best 2 x cr123 flashlight for throw?


Apr 16, 2007
Okay, so i've hurt a few feelings with my views on the Surefire U2 with my first post.
I'm not going to stir the pot anymore, this time i just want to know what flashlight out there using 2 cr123 batteries gives the most throw?
What is your price range?
Welcome aboard!!!!!
Yes...Surefire U2's are worth the money. Wait until you read more about other flashlights then you will think the Surefire U2 is really low priced.
skyline_man said:
Okay, so i've hurt a few feelings with my views on the Surefire U2 with my first post.
I'm not going to stir the pot anymore, this time i just want to know what flashlight out there using 2 cr123 batteries gives the most throw?
If you include RCRs, anything driving a Lumens Factory HO-9 (e.g. Wolf Eyes Sniper).

(waiting for howls of indignation).
The lumapower M1 throws well. The Gladius throws more than my L1D with Lion that is if you want quality, and if you put a seoul to it the thing owns.
The new pelican LAPD throws very well probably is the king of the hill.
But for the a throw monster get something like this
Thanks Greenstuffs, but i'm not a big fan of Maglites - dinosaur looks and technology in my opinion. Much like the Aussie Holden V8's over here in Australia.

The Lumapower mrv looks impressive. I think il keep a close eye on that one.

Or alternatively, i can wait to mid year when Surefire releases their new cree line ups ;)
Anyway, i do own a Surefire U2 and i do think that it is a wonderful light. Just a bit overpriced in my opinion.