Best bulp in a 2X 14500 powered maglite


Jul 29, 2009
I'm currently running a standerd issue 5 cell maglite bulp in my 2D-cell maglite, powered by two 900Mah 3.7v 14500 AA batteries.
I'm satisfied with the brightness, but not with the spill etc. The moment I focus the Maglite the beam is not round anymore. What bulp would be the best replacement bulp considering the powersource I'm using. More lumens would also not harm, but my main concern is that I want the beam to make a perfect circle on the wall. Then I will be satisfied.
I'm currently running a standerd issue 5 cell maglite bulp in my 2D-cell maglite, powered by two 900Mah 3.7v 14500 AA batteries.
I'm satisfied with the brightness, but not with the spill etc. The moment I focus the Maglite the beam is not round anymore. What bulp would be the best replacement bulp considering the powersource I'm using. More lumens would also not harm, but my main concern is that I want the beam to make a perfect circle on the wall. Then I will be satisfied.

Beam shape is product of bulb fillament shape and reflector shape/texture.
You may get almost perfect shape with FROSTED ROP LO for short burst before reshaping plastic reflector and lens. In this case you will need to switch batteries to pair of IMR 14500
BTW, using 14500 in 2D M*g is kind of wasting space. You have much more room to fill with larger batteries for longer run time.
Beam shape is product of bulb fillament shape and reflector shape/texture.
You may get almost perfect shape with FROSTED ROP LO for short burst before reshaping plastic reflector and lens. In this case you will need to switch batteries to pair of IMR 14500
BTW, using 14500 in 2D M*g is kind of wasting space. You have much more room to fill with larger batteries for longer run time.

Totally agree with this statement. Still what bulb, easilly available is suggested to give me the beam shape I'm looking for?

Thanks for the fast response
Just to add to my question please. Where can I buy 3.7V D size cells, and a charger for them? I ordered a lot of stuff from DX but they don't have D-sized cells, if I searched correctly that is! Other online shops where I did get them do not ship to South Africa...
Just to add to my question please. Where can I buy 3.7V D size cells, and a charger for them? I ordered a lot of stuff from DX but they don't have D-sized cells, if I searched correctly that is! Other online shops where I did get them do not ship to South Africa...

You can buy the charger and IMR 26650 batteries at and while they are not D size a piece of PVC works great as sleeve. They are a little long and require you to modify the tailcap. You could also use the 26500s from the same place (if they are in stock) and fill in the space with an appropriate size bolt or some other home made spacer.

While on Lighthound you could pick up a pack of Pelican 3854 bulbs and use the one labeled 3854L. It is rated at 11 watts but puts out about 15 at the voltage level that will reach the bulb.

As Fivemega stated your beam shape is more a function of the reflector and my favorite cheap reflector is:

This will smooth out your beam and give you a beautiful large spot if adjusted properly.
I only today realised you are also selling a few of the items I might need... I also only today learned what ''ROP" stands for.:grin2: As per your suggestion of the wasted space. I've decided to rather buy a 6AA to 2D converter instead of the 3.7 volt batteries.

How can I buy from you, I'm in South Africa. Are you willing to post to me? at what cost? I'm looking for the following items if possible.
1. 2 packs of 3854L bulps
2. one 6AA to 2D converter.
3. The metal reflector and glass lens as not to melt my stock parts!

If not then I just want to know if the 6AA to 2D adapter from Kaidomain will be up to the task?

Thanks in advance
If not then I just want to know if the 6AA to 2D adapter from Kaidomain will be up to the task?
Thanks in advance

Not sure what adapter you're talking about from KD.. Are you referring to running two of the plastic 3aa to 1d "battery trays" they offer??

If so, I use two of these with much success running a 5cell magnum star mag bulb (frosted) in a 2d mag setup for the wife. Was a cheap/easy setup b/c I was able to retain the stock reflector and just upgrade to a glass lens.

If you're talking about running a ROP bulb with these trays, that's a big fat NO GO! They just can't handle the current and will melt down from such high resistance. You would also need to upgrade the reflector to metal.

She loves the 5cell magnum star bulb on 6aa though, and I agree it's nice (especially frosted, really smoothed out the beam), just not super bright really.

There's just something about a good ol' incan :candle:

Hi Paul. No then the batterypack from Kaidomain wont work. I intend to run the Rop in it. Currently it is running with the 5-cell bulb at 7.4V, but the standerd one.

I love my led's, but there is nothing wrong with incans!
I only today realised you are also selling a few of the items I might need... I also only today learned what ''ROP" stands for.:grin2: As per your suggestion of the wasted space. I've decided to rather buy a 6AA to 2D converter instead of the 3.7 volt batteries.

How can I buy from you, I'm in South Africa. Are you willing to post to me? at what cost? I'm looking for the following items if possible.
1. 2 packs of 3854L bulps
2. one 6AA to 2D converter.
3. The metal reflector and glass lens as not to melt my stock parts!

If not then I just want to know if the 6AA to 2D adapter from Kaidomain will be up to the task?

Thanks in advance


Fivemega appears to be sold out of his 6AA adapter right at the moment. Too bad as it is top quality and I regret not buying more when they were available. The 2x26650 route would be cheaper for you in the long run and provide about twice the runtime. If you are set on the 6AA path it appears "modocod" (CPF handle) has some 6AA adapters still available.

Listed here:

If you are seriously considering the ROP Low I would purchase Fivemega's G4 bi-pin socket.

Listed here:

This would allow you to use bi-pin lamps and get away from having to break in the potted ROP bulbs so they don't fog your reflector and ruin it (happened to me).

It would also keep you from purchasing two different bulbs (only way the ROP bulbs come) when you only want one of them. The Mag Charger bulb is very close to a ROP low and priced about $4 a bulb. The ROP low used to be my favorite bulb for practical Mag builds until I started using the Mag Charger bulb.

PM me if you would like some more suggestions.
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I will then contact modocod about the adapter. I would rather go that way than the 26650 way. That is if he is willing to post to SA.. The G4 bi-pin socket seems like the best idea of all. Did not even knew it could be done! The Magcharger bulb is surprisingly freely available in my country, no need to import them:)

Does Fivemega have an online shop where I can brouwse through available items?

Don't know if I should start a new thread but if the ROP is the mod for a 2D, what is the equivalent in a 3D Maglite using a 9AA to 3D adapter? If its a huge step-up then I will rather donate my 2D to my father and soup up a 3D. Must still buy one though.
A 9AA 3D adapter would allow you to run the 1185 bulb. It is noticeably brighter but would only run about 30-35 minutes on quality AA nimh batteries.

You can look at bulb lumens and current draw here:

In the 2D format a Welch Allyn 1111 bulb will get you real close (to the eye) to the output of the 1185 but at close to 4 amp draw it will be around 20 minutes of runtime and harder on battery life.

If your main concern is impressive output the ROP 3854 High is quite impressive but has been very fragile in my experience. The 5761 Phillips bulb will work in your 2D setup with a G4 bi-pin socket and probably provide the brightest output without resorting to Lithium Ion batteries. At 5 amps of draw runtime would be very short.

The nice thing about the G4 socket is the wide range of quality bulbs you can use.

I purchase bulbs from this guy when Fivemega is out:

Fivemega doesn't have a store but if you click on his handle and go to the "statistics" tab then click on "find all threads started by fivemega" you will be able to walk through what he has available.

Good luck, that is how I went from 5 Maglites to about 30.