Best LED mod for 'D' maglite.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 6, 2008
I'm looking into modding my 2d maglite first by having it cut down to the 1d size along with the the machine finning of the body and head by Will. My questions are(even after searching threads), what is the best led modification or drop in? I've looked at a lot of the stuff nailbender has to offer, but not sure which is the best bang for the buck. Is the fusion 36led head any good? After seeing all of the options I can have as far as battery choices, what would be the best there? I like the ideas of the 18650 single cell, but the AA holders look nice too.
I was about to throw a link to the Fusion 36 - but you mentioned it.

For $23 or so, it's a great drop in... Admittedly, it's all flood. But it lights up 40-50 yards. I tried it down my rear alleyway the other day again. For up close, it really floods. And, ya can't beat the price...
Yes, the fusion is priced right. I was also looking at some of the elektro lumens stuff. Quite impressive, but no pricing.
Reference elektrolumens....I have the Triple MCE Dropin for the Maglite and it was worth every penny. Also look into the Modified C-Cell that is powered by three 18650 Batteries. Wayne did a great job, and I hope he does a SST-50 Dropin soon.

Have you checked out looks like they can supply some parts and ideas for your modified light.
If you want a ***flood***...the Fusion won't be beat dollar for dollar.

They are now $25...but with warmer emitters.

I have two more on the way here myself.
Reference elektrolumens....I have the Triple MCE Dropin for the Maglite and it was worth every penny. Also look into the Modified C-Cell that is powered by three 18650 Batteries. Wayne did a great job, and I hope he does a SST-50 Dropin soon.

Have you checked out looks like they can supply some parts and ideas for your modified light.

Does elektro still make the MCE drop-ins? About how much $ are they?
Thanks for the brite lumens link. They have some nice drop-ins as well.
Could someone please give me a link to the Fusion 36. I'd like to order one.
Mac's Customs SST-50 drop-in for a maglite.

I've got both the Fusion 36 and the SST-50 drop-in and there is no contest when it comes to performance and quality.

The SST-50 drop-in has a three mode switch with very nicely spaced output levels and on max it is super bright and the spill is the largest of any reflector based light on the planet. $105 minimum as there are a few options if you wish.

The Fusion 36 is only one mode but it is really hard to beat in terms of initial purchase price and ease of install.
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I just ordered a Fusion 36. What kind of runtimes does that thing have? I'll be putting it in a 3D Mag. I searched for run times on CPF and looked on the ebay listing but didn't see any. Thanks a lot.
Runtime will depend on what you feed it...but initial reports indicate a very frugal performance.