Best LEO "patrol duty" flashlight


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 11, 2000
East Bay, Cali.
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight

Well, I work nights exclusively, and I'm always switching around stuff. Currently, here's what's being used:

-Duty light: Streamlight Ultrastinger.
-Tac light: Surefire 9P w/ a P90 lamp.

I am also testing Fivemega's Pila cell mod in a Streamlight STinger.

Two lights are always a good idea.

The Ultra and G2 combo is ideal. If you wanted a brighter G2, put a P61 lamp in it, though runtime will be only 15 minutes or so.



Newly Enlightened
Feb 13, 2005
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight


Thank you for your thoughts on this and also a big thanks to the rest of the members. As far as the G2 mod P61 bulb, would I have to change the reflector also? or just the bulb? and is the it that much brighter to justify the price? I agree with you also that my current setup is very efficient (working well for 7 plus years) I was just curious what the others (with much more knowledge on the flashlight subject thought) That and I'm always looking for an excuse to get a new cool light. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Light Junkie


Dec 22, 2004
Silicon Valley, CA, USA
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight

The P61 is a new lamp assembly (bulb and reflector). Unscrew the bezel, remove the P60, drop in the P61, screw the bezel back on. Quite simple.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 28, 2005
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight

Well, I just did my annual locker-cleaning, and (again) went from an Uncle Mike's duty bag to a a nice alluminum briefcase. I tell myself that I should try to keep things simple and easy, instead of carrying everything I own and 30 copies of every form we have! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

I even ended up replacing both of my duty lights that I've had forever to streamline things there too. My main one is obviously the big Magcharger, and my belt light is the Streamlight Stinger. I've had both for 12+ years, but had that itch for a change.
The Stinger never really impressed me, but was compact enough for my belt and rechargeable too. It was replaced this week with a Surefire L4. I can't say enough good things about this L4. In a dark room, it lights everything up as if you'd just turned on all the overhead lights. The Stinger lit things up, but there really isn't a comparison - no way.

The Mag ended up being too big for the briefcase and I decided to try out the Tigerlight rechargeable instead.
I didn't want the OC spray option, so I got the 8" light. It arrived today and looks like a Mag with a few inches cut off the end, which is just what I wanted. I didn't want "small" because sometimes it's nice to have something with substance in your hand, just in case things go south quickly...I haven't tried it out yet, but from what I've read, with both lights being kept stock, the Tigerlight is more powerful. Tonights midnight shift will be a good test for it, but for the price I paid, and getting rid of some of the bulkiness of the Mag, it should be well worth it.

The only complaint I have with the Tigerlight so far is the gold band around it. My promotion should be happening in the next month or two, and the last thing I need is to stroll into work with a new flashlight with a gold band around it. I'm sure you could imagine the heat I'd take for that! So, before the light even went into the charger, that gold band was covered up with some black 3M reflective tape. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

If I'd never started coming around these forums, I'd never be bothering to replace these lights, or spend lots of $$ on flashlights this month just for the fun of it, but at least I'm not alone...


Aug 29, 2000
Kettering, England
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight

I don't have any experience of using flashlights as "dutylights" but this photo may help give some scale.



Newly Enlightened
Dec 31, 2004
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight

My current one is the 10x Dominator, which I carry on my duty belt. As far as stock lights go, nothing I've carried beats this light for output. In the past, I have used and still have the Ultrastinger, Maglight rechargeable, Streamlight 20xl, Tigerlight, Surefire 6P and a Stinger. On full burn with both bulbs, the 10x is brighter than a patrol unit's spotlight. Down side is only 20 mins. of run time. If I remember correctly, the low bulb is good for an hour at 60 lumens (good for vehicle searches, report or ticket writing, etc). The two bulbs that give you a choice of either high or low beam is one of the light's best features. The light does have kind of a weird shape. Won't fit well in a sap pocket if that's where you carry your light. Is okay in the side pocket of BDU's or on a belt with a good holder. Another not so good feature is that the bulbs are rather fragile. The light isn't too forgiving of being dropped or of being used to whack somebody at $30 a bulb! I have two extra batteries that I carry with me for extended use if needed and the charger comes with a 12v cord for use in the car.

I don't know anything about LED lights so can't shed any light on that. I used a Stinger on my belt as a back up light prior to getting the 10x and used an Ultrastringer as my primary. Was never impressed with the Stinger, even after I got the HP head supposedly good for 40,000 CP. To me, the Ultrastinger, while bright and with good throw, had too narrow of a beam and too skinny of a handle. I guess I had just become too used to the Streamlight and Maglight configuration. I recently got Fivemega's adapter for the Stinger for use with the Pila rechargeables. This is a great light and what a Stinger should be from the factory. Unbelieveable amount of light from a very compact package. I work mostly days now and am considering going back to that light for duty belt carry as it is smaller than the 10x. I also have a regular Tigerlight, and a Tiger 11 and a Tiger 85 that I got from JS. The stock Tigerlight would be an excellent choice but doesn't put out the kind of light the 10x does. Also, the beam quality with the smooth reflector doesn't compare to the 10x. I know you're interested in stock lights, but the Tigerlight modifications by JS are also great lights, although a bit more specialized. In my opinion, the Tiger 11 puts out as much light as the 10x with longer run time and better throw. I loaned it to a friend who works nights to test. He was using it at an accident and had several Highway Patrol officers come up to him and comment on the light, as they couldn't believe how bright it was. The Tiger 85 easily surpasses the 10x and Tiger 11, it but probably doesn't have enough run time for general use. Anyway, good luck with your choice. You can't have too many flashlights!

Steve C

Oct 23, 2002
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight


26 years on the job here, about half of that as either a road trooper or road supervisor.

For "serious" work, your current two lights would be hard to beat. The UltraStinger is a great "duty" light; the only objection I have is the iffy battery life some of us have experienced, with the Stinger. That seems to be a VERY subjective topic, so I won't go there again... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The G2 is, IMO, the ideal back-up light for belt carry. I have an old 6P which served that purpose for many years, and would again if I went back into uniform. I also have an OLD SL-20 that I bought in 1978. If it could talk...

We're issued Stingers these days. I have two, and would use them as a main light to keep in the unit for stops, etc., along with the SL-20.

I understand your affliction (wanting to buy new lights). Everyone here has it. But the truth is that what you've got is more than adequate.

I would recommend a second light on your person, however. You just never know, ESPECIALLY in our profession. I have become attached to my SureFire A2; it rides on my ankle every day. To me, the concept of a bright primary incan light and a soft LED light, in one package, makes extreme sense. The LED is ideal for reading/writing a report in the unit (how many patrol cars have you been in that had a really good integral light for that purpose? Me neither), and the bright incan is a perfect back-up to your G2.

There are other offerings of this type of dual-purpose light out there, such as the StreamLight Task Lights. I've tried them. The A2 is simply superior in all aspects as far as I'm concerned.

So, to make a long post longer, instead of looking for another bright monster, I think you should concentrate on a "personal light"; one you keep on your person in addition to your G2.

I've said this before here, and I said it innumerable times when I was on the Academy staff, and I say it to the youngsters in my section... You're only as good as what you've got, right now, strapped to your body. Stuff in the war bag/unit is of no use to you if you cannot get to it.

You carry two extra magazines, right? Why should your flashlight be any different?

I would stay with stock configurations. All these modified lights are neat and interesting, but you well know how easy it is to either, break, misplace, or otherwise lose control of your ancillary gear. Your hard-use items need to be easily and quickly replaceable.

One last caveat: read again the response JS made to the post about LEDs. It covers all the bases. LED flashlights are cool and useful... but NOT as a primary LEO light.

Stay safe...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 30, 2002
Old Bay City, CA
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight


What kind of holster do you use to carry your A2 on your ankle (and where did you get yours?).



Newly Enlightened
Nov 11, 2004
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight

I'm not a LEO, but i am a soldier deployed in Iraq, and when I go out on convoys at night i take my g2 with me. When my life depends on it, i go incandesant all the way. I love led lights, but to walk around the dark at night, thats about it


Newly Enlightened
Jun 5, 2004
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight

For a 10X Dominator.

Down side is only 20 mins. of run time. If I remember correctly, the low bulb is good for an hour at 60 lumens (good for vehicle searches, report or ticket writing, etc).

Spend 15 minutes searching a vehicle then 5 minutes writting the report at the begining of your 10-12 hour shift and a third of your battery life is gone?

This in my opinion is why a higher power LED fits the bill. Lets be honest, how often is an officer trying to spot a suspect 150 yards out. What would you say? 95% of handheld flashlight use is close-in (1-25 yards) searching inside a car, down the side of a house,looking up into a tree, reading and writting outside the patrol unit.

Not trying to stir the pot here but I really think that incandesant light is becoming the 8 track tape of the light world. In a few years your gonna see LED handhelds with 800-1000 lumens throwing a spot out 300-500 yards all in the size of a 4 cell Maglite.



Feb 17, 2002
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight

Sadly, I just don't see that happening.

We're already seeing that when LED technology is pushed hard, heat becomes a deal-killer - I imagine that we'll see improvements, and that small personal lights will become mostly LED's, but that Incan will not only remain, but see a renaissance, as manufacturers and customers see the improvements in design (regulation is #1 on this list) that came out of the LED revolution, and we'll see more and better Incans holding a strong place in the mid-size and larger light market, where LED's can't compete on throw, heat or simplicity.

Love my Arc LSH-p, my Firefly II, but I too chose a Z3, G2 or M6 or a Pelican incan when I think it really matters.


Dec 16, 2004
Cesshole on the Potomac
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight

This argument makes me think of the "tube vs. solid-state" guitar amp argument. Tube always wins. Overwhelmingly. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Newly Enlightened
Jun 5, 2004
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight

Deanster, is there something inherent in LEDs by way of physics that just makes them inferior throw wise? Once again, I'm not trying to stir up any sludge and I am obviuosly not as educated as many here on the physics and engineering of light, I am just very interested in the advancement of the LED, I almost see it as the development of DVD over VCR.



Mar 11, 2004
Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Canada
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight

3 of us ran a check point after a hockey game let out last night (OBVIOUSLY not NHL, just Jr B). 1 partner forgot the cone for his Polystinger, so I loaned him my modded 3 C Mag and cone, while I used a Dorcy 9"LED wand for traffic control and used my car's Polystinger.

I knew the 123A cells in my Mag were old, and at - 25 C it didn't last too long, so I put it away, loaned him my Dorcy wand, and used my modded Brightstar and its cone plus the Polystinger. About a half hour later, both my Polystinger and Brightstar started to drop off.

Traffic died off, so while we went to warm up, the Polystinger went back on the in-car charger. Later on, I used the Brightstar for awhile, then went back to the Polystinger.

I have extra Battery Station 123A batteries, but have some partners that have Scorpions or P M6 and they only were able to buy replacement batteries locally for about $8.50 Canadian each, so I have been re-selling them some of mine (with a small percentage for my trouble). For now, I think I will kill off the batteries in the Brightstar to go back to alkalines in it and the Mag, and save up to buy some 150A lithium-ion rechargeable cells to put in them both.


Oct 19, 2004
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight

I have worked night or midnight shift for most of my 18 years. I remember when I started the hot light was the kel
light it was about a six cell c sized. It had an adapter to
replace two cells if you wanted less weight. Then rechargables came out and I got a sl20 and a magcharger. The are both good but heavy. I think I liked the sl 20 a little better. I was walking footbeats at the time and it was a pain the a**,really, as it would beat you as you walked. Then came the stingers. It was a godsend small, light weight and good light. By that time I had switched agencies and was in car so I kept one of the magchargers
in my patrol car for when I needed real light. Then they came up with the hp head. I love it. Good light and a tight beam. I got a second one and even took out the mc out of my car and regulated it to night stand usage. Last year we got issued tasers so now there is a lot less room on my duty belt and I have been also looking for a new light. I look at things different then most on here I guess because my primary light is the one on my duty belt. The larger light is in the charger in the car. My contestants are:
Stinger hp with 3000 mah battery. No less space on duty belt but but over 2 hours run time.
Stinger with five megas mod. 350 lumens with the small head.
kind of expensive and cant use stock charger.
TL fbop. lots of light and a light weight. Kind of big on duty belt. I wish it had more throw.
SL tl3. Modded with pila rechargables and a aftermarket bulb. Still in planning stages but should be ultra compact
and about twice the stock output.
Tiger moded by js. A tl with a lot more light.

My criteria is that they must be tough and throw a lot of light. They must be readily servicable. Parts must be cheap
(thats why no sf were considered there bulbs are extremely high, about $1 and hour that and they are not for the most part rechargable).

NO LEDS. I have led lights and love them they just dont have the throw or output needed.

My secondary light must be car rechargable. So it will be either my mag 60 or my tl. The mag has the throw and is brighter but the tl is a lot lighter to carry.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 9, 2004
DFW. TX. U.S.A. Earth
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight

I just got a mag85 in a 2d that is somewhere between 300-400 lumens in this comfortably driven form.
Nice wall of light.
It runs fine, even with Walmart Everactive AA's at 2.5 amps in an 8AA to 2D adaptor.
Even 6 nimh batteries in 2 3toD's are shoving 2.5 amps through this thing with a nice white light.
It's still about half as bright as a soft white 60 watt house bulb with either setup.
A 9 AA cell 3D mag gets about twice the attention with more than double the lumens at the expense of bulb life.
When I go back to part time security, this thing is coming with me.

Steve C

Oct 23, 2002
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight


The LED limitation is not a question of throw, although that can be a factor. The big problem is LED light's tendency to be absorbed by ambient light; especially mercury vapor street lights.

Without beating this dead horse (it has been covered rather thoroughly in past threads), basically what happens is an LED light will not penetrate the shadows beyond a "pool" of light cast by overhead, or other, ambient lighting. That's about as simple an explanation as I can give.

Some don't believe it. I didn't either; until I experienced it first-hand with my shiny new L4. Here is another example of reality beating theory. Reality wins every time.

Steve C

Oct 23, 2002
Re: Best LEO \"patrol duty\" flashlight


It is a modified ankle holster that Ken Null made for me over 20 years ago, to carry an A.G. Russell boot knife and spare speed strip for a back-up Chief's Special revolver. It is worn on the leg opposite the ankle rig that carries the little revolver.

With the advent of Spyderco folding knives, I quit carrying the Russell many years back. I carried an E2e there for quite a few years. The new "long" clip on the A2 fits the knife scabbard beautifully. I added a velcro strap to secure the light. Very comfortable, instantly accessible.

PM me your e-mail address and I'll send you a picture. Getting one posted here is too much of a hassle.

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