best light for self defense for carry and car


Newly Enlightened
Jun 13, 2007
Dallas, TX
Low tech seeking hightech guidance in selecting the brightest and ongest run time for a flashlight for carry and for the car. Looking for brightest and longest runtime. Also interested in cost of batteries. First flashlight was a surefire 6P.

Thank for your input.
I just got a Mag-lite 6D (picture in my signature) with a TerraLUX MaxStar5 Extreme 5 Watt LED for exactly that purpose. I'm not entirely sure of the runtime yet, but I'm pretty sure there's a graph of it around here somewhere. I'll see if I can find it. I'm pretty sure it was 16 to 22 hours at full power and then it tapered off into "usable light" for quite awhile after that.

It's pretty darn bright though. I'm happy with it. And yeah, it would be great for self defense. I mean hey, the police use them for a reason.

I got six D batteries for two bucks at my local dollar store.

I got the following:

Might get this baton handle for it as well:

Here is the Mag in black, if red doesn't suit your fancy:

You may be able to find all of the above for cheaper, but I like - they ship to me within two days, UPS ground. :D

EDIT: This is my first real post here, so someone may have better advice (especially for what LED to use). But the reason I got this light was mostly due to this forum in the first place. Just thought I'd add that.
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Something large and heavy tends to end up being a liability. They are slow to swing and if you miss you have to deal with kinetic energy's momentum - and be left with your guard down.

A smaller flashlight used as a weapon such as: would be the way to go.

"A Sure-Fire Flashlight is almost identical in size to the vintage Police Yawara Sticks like the Safariland/Kel-Lite "Judo Stick" shown below next to a Sure-Fire 9P flashlight"

I'd like to see an nunchaku flashlight someday.
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welcome to the forums simpson and ares,,,have a look at the fenix line of lights,,,,very good product,,
I'd recommend a Surefire 6PD, for long running putting a led drop-in like the DX's Cree Drop-in or Wolf Eyes D26 drop-in and for power P17670 rechargeables + Ultrafire WF-139 charger.....
Have you checked out the Dark Ops Hellfire X-11/Hellfighter X-15. I have one and don't much care for it as it is big and heavy for a 2x123.
However it's sounds perfect for your needs - it has 5 hardened steel pins on the front for breaking car windows in an emergency and looks scary as,..... well, hell!
In this instance size matters more than runtime and ultimate output. Lights smaller than a Surefire 9P are inadequate as improvised striking "tools".

First picture is some lights I EDC'd last year. The KL3 bezel on a 9P body reduced my concern about breaking a filament during a severe impact. The Pelican LED has a thin slightly raised rim around the lexan lens that will act like a cookie cutter.

With the new Leef 2x18650 bodies I'm living the guilt free lumens life and getting even more admiring looks when carrying a light in my front pocket. A modified V71 holder allows easy belt carry when a KT4 is attached.

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I carry my old Mag 4D when walking the dog at night. It weighs in at 41 oz....a bit heavier than the newer ones, but less than a 5D. It has a flashlightlens LDF lens in it and a 3W Magled.
In this instance size matters more than runtime and ultimate output. Lights smaller than a Surefire 9P are inadequate as improvised striking "tools".

What technique do you rely on?

I find that if the light is long enough to protrude from the bottom of one's fist, you end up with a very adequate striking tool when using a hammer-fist. The shorter length is also useful for carrying the light concealed in one's hand.
Barry Eisler's character John Rain carried a Surefire M6 in his newest:
Requiem For An Assassin.

"If you're in the know, you just know."

Nuff said:cool:
What it suggest is to get an asp baton and go to a training school carrying a big maglite around makes it look like your looking for trouble and you most likely wont be able to protect yourself when that trouble comes.
+1 on a smaller light. How about the wolf eyes D2 defender with 170 lm cree? Good size, solid build, lots of blinding power, long runtime. ...wish asp batons were legal here.... :grin2:
What technique do you rely on?

I find that if the light is long enough to protrude from the bottom of one's fist, you end up with a very adequate striking tool when using a hammer-fist. The shorter length is also useful for carrying the light concealed in one's hand.

Using the portion protruding above one's hand for thrusts or raking down along someone's ribs is quite discouraging to the recipient. The portion below one's hand for simple strikes. I want BOTH ends of the light to "work" for me. And that extra length works harder for me than any potential benefit of concealing something smaller.

I won't argue techniques over the errornet. If smaller works for you fine. I've BTDT and KNOW a larger tool gives you more flexibilty and target opportunities. Try a "force on force" drill where you attempt to hammer strike someone with your "toy sized" light when the other guy is holding a 9P equivalent. Or do you only choose empty handed" opponents?

If "smaller was better" over the years police would have been issued a roll of quarters instead of billy clubs.

I see this defective thinking on gun boards all the time. Someone gets hung up on something cute like a small 22, then tries to justify why it is OK for SD. Don't confuse "doable" with "the best option".

If the arbitrary restriction is flashlight only, either you are interested in prevailing, or willing to accept the false confidence of a convenient carry size.:dedhorse:


Here's why I won't carry a "strike bezel" fitted light on the street in Texas:




§ 46.01. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
(1) "Club" means an instrument that is specially
designed, made, or adapted for the purpose of inflicting serious
bodily injury or death by striking a person with the instrument, and
includes but is not limited to the following:
(A) blackjack;
(B) nightstick;
(C) mace;
(D) tomahawk.
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Using the portion protruding above one's hand for thrusts or raking down along someone's ribs is quite discouraging to the recipient. The portion below one's hand for simple strikes. I want BOTH ends of the light to "work" for me. And that extra length works harder for me than any potential benefit of concealing something smaller.

I won't argue techniques over the errornet. If smaller works for you fine. I've BTDT and KNOW a larger tool gives you more flexibilty and target opportunities. Try a "force on force" drill where you attempt to hammer strike someone with your "toy sized" light when the other guy is holding a 9P equivalent. Or do you only choose empty handed" opponents?

If "smaller was better" over the years police would have been issued a roll of quarters instead of billy clubs.

I see this defective thinking on gun boards all the time. Someone gets hung up on something cute like a small 22, then tries to justify why it is OK for SD. Don't confuse "doable" with "the best option".

If the arbitrary restriction is flashlight only, either you are interested in prevailing, or willing to accept the false confidence of a convenient carry size.

If you had wanted to use both ends as a self-defense tool, that's fine. But that's not what you had stated in your other post. For me, the concealability aspect is more important. I also prefer hammer-fist strikes over other techniques. I've found those work best for me. I also actually use my tactical lights as lights. The extra length of a 9P or L2 is just awkward for me. But to each his own.

No need to be insulting. It's clear that what works best for me, doesn't work for you. But I'm no arm-chair warrior.

Simply put, I'm not an LEO. If I were, I'd rely on my .9mm for self-defense. Sure a billy club or ASP baton is better, but those are illegal for non-LEO's to carry.

Just because I don't share your point of view, that doesn't make my thinking "defective." My opinion is based on my experiences & training. (I'm sure your's is too). Honestly, I think my L4 and my E2d are both kind of ugly. But damn if they're not effective! As far as what's the best option? Screw using a flashlight, get a gun. That's the best option right there. Everything else, because of legal restrictions, is "doable."

Just because something is convenient to carry, that doesn't mean an instant false sense of security goes along with it. You've found what works for you. Doesn't mean it is going to work for everyone. I prefer hammer-fists enhanced with the 2 cell Surefires over fancier techniques. That's what works best for me. Like I said, to each his own.