Options for budget pure self-defense strobe flashlight, almost no other priority, at least 2000 lumen.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 9, 2023
I'm looking for a good self-defense flashlight, self-defense purely by strobe not as an object to hit someone. I'm on a limited budget, is there a particular flashlight which specialises in this area and doesn't have some of the other premiere features which I don't need. I don't need a big battery, all I want is a very powerful strobe that is very fast and intuitive to operate. If possible I would prefer it if it was over 2,000 lumen, because I want it to be as effective as possible. I'm also looking for a small size. I have a traditional 5inch black tube, Atactical A1 one of the early cheap but decent flashlights maxes out at about 800 lumens The strobe is very powerful at night but I want something that might be useful in the daytime. Thanks
Strobe is more marketing than effectiveness. Also there is a Nederland Politie report regarding the matter floating around here that is well worth a read.

A burst from an SMG is more effective than a strobe. Hitting someone with an Asp is better than using a metal flashlight what is shorter than a baton and much wider.

For SD you are better off with a light on a gun. Aim where you think the target is then mometarily turn on the light adjust your aim and fire. Turn off the light and move somewhere else fast.

Others have a handheld light that they raise over their head to draw fire whilst operating a pistol that isn't attached to the light.

1337 shooters use an NVG and an IR device on the firearm and maybe a sound moderator with subsonic ammunition.
Unless your defending yourself from someone with epilepsy then the strobe will only anger them further. I have had some limited success using the strobe mode to distract very drunk people but they were so drunk they really posed no threat anyways. Nitecore has some options they call "strobe ready" that turn on strobe mode by pressing one button but in all reality look for an alternative form of self defence. Seriously even look at basic self defence classes that cover the use of a kubaton, then apply the same techniques using the flashlight as pressure point device rather than relying on the strobe function.
Maybe an ultra high output, like 10-20k lumens. Strobe or not, that would prevent an attacker from looking your way. Due to output, heat would be an issue within 30-60 seconds... which is just enough time to run away.
Jetbeam has a new light with a tail switch strobe button. It's next to the other switch.
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2,000 lumens requires a big LED which then requires a big battery.

I recommend this for $15.00
Get the 12 mode group option and select the 100%-20%-strobe group

Another great option for $30. 3 clicks to strobe. 2 clips to turbo. Super bright.

2,000 lumens requires a big LED which then requires a big battery.

I recommend this for $15.00
Get the 12 mode group option and select the 100%-20%-strobe group

Another great option for $30. 3 clicks to strobe. 2 clips to turbo. Super bright.

hi, thanks for your very interesting suggestions. I think perhaps I've been putting too much weight on the benefit of a strobe, I thought they were effective in daylight, I've done some research and found out that's not really the case.

Which is good in a way because it gives me more options for for flashlight choice for thought so I realized there's a lot of good options out there.
If you're using a flashlight for self defense you are so far behind the curve you can see your own a$$. A flashlight only lets you see how bad the trouble you're in really is. A better use for it is to allow you to see the problem before you get to a "kill zone". I use my light often to light up dark places where trouble likes to hide, well before I get there. Sadly in many places the bad guys don't hide as much as they once did, attacking in well traveled area & in broad daylight. A good cane & a bit of training will have you much better off if you find yourself on the "X".
Unless your defending yourself from someone with epilepsy then the strobe will only anger them further. I have had some limited success using the strobe mode to distract very drunk people but they were so drunk they really posed no threat anyways. Nitecore has some options they call "strobe ready" that turn on strobe mode by pressing one button but in all reality look for an alternative form of self defence. Seriously even look at basic self defence classes that cover the use of a kubaton, then apply the same techniques using the flashlight as pressure point device rather than relying on the strobe function.
I think what you're saying is pretty hardcore come at once you've engaged anything can happen. the benefit of some sort of flashlight to line someone so that you don't get in touching range. as I mentioned replying to someone else I realized strobes aren't quite as effective as a thought they were come up I thought they could stop someone in daylight and that is not the case according to what I've been reading
I thought they could stop someone in daylight and that is not the case according to what I've been reading

Regardless of opinions…2,000+ lumens to the eye will make any human on earth turn their eyes away from you or block their line of sight. Who knows what happens after that? Maybe that slight hesitation is all you needed to gain the upper hand.

That Sofrin I posted hits up to 5200 lumens. 5200 lumens is blinding day or night. You won't stop an Olympic wrestler from taking you to the ground…but I doubt an Olympic wrestler is going to attack you.
I'm looking for a good self-defense flashlight, self-defense purely by strobe not as an object to hit someone. I'm on a limited budget, is there a particular flashlight which specialises in this area and doesn't have some of the other premiere features which I don't need. I don't need a big battery, all I want is a very powerful strobe that is very fast and intuitive to operate. If possible I would prefer it if it was over 2,000 lumen, because I want it to be as effective as possible. I'm also looking for a small size. I have a traditional 5inch black tube, Atactical A1 one of the early cheap but decent flashlights maxes out at about 800 lumens The strobe is very powerful at night but I want something that might be useful in the daytime. Thanks
What do you need to defend yourself against? FYI, your location says London. It would be an offence (i.e. illegal) in the UK to carry any item with the intention of using it as a weapon, self defence or other.
Unless your defending yourself from someone with epilepsy then the strobe will only anger them further. I have had some limited success using the strobe mode to distract very drunk people but they were so drunk they really posed no threat anyways. Nitecore has some options they call "strobe ready" that turn on strobe mode by pressing one button but in all reality look for an alternative form of self defence. Seriously even look at basic self defence classes that cover the use of a kubaton, then apply the same techniques using the flashlight as pressure point device rather than relying on the strobe function.
A kubaton would not be legal carry in the UK.
Strobe is more marketing than effectiveness. Also there is a Nederland Politie report regarding the matter floating around here that is well worth a read.

A burst from an SMG is more effective than a strobe. Hitting someone with an Asp is better than using a metal flashlight what is shorter than a baton and much wider.

For SD you are better off with a light on a gun. Aim where you think the target is then mometarily turn on the light adjust your aim and fire. Turn off the light and move somewhere else fast.

Others have a handheld light that they raise over their head to draw fire whilst operating a pistol that isn't attached to the light.

1337 shooters use an NVG and an IR device on the firearm and maybe a sound moderator with subsonic ammunition.
No. :rolleyes:
What are 1337 shooters?
It's a dumb way of typing "leet" which is a stupid way of typing elite.

For the OP strobes don't work. Sorry but it's true. For the "oh it'll make them turn the head for a fraction of a second" crowd. They still know where the light is. They still can cause you harm if they want to because that flashlight isn't stopping anyone. If someone wants to hurt you you need a self defense tool with actual real stopping power. Wether that's your fist or boot or whatever. A flashlight won't do it. I'm sorry it's just not gonna happen.
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The Fenix TK20R V2.0 has a 3000 lumen strobe mode with an instant access button on the tail, but as others have mentioned, I don't know how far that gets you in a self defense situation, especially in daytime. Depends on the actual situation ... up close, it could buy you a few seconds to hit someone upside the head with something, or to take off running, I suppose.

2,000 lumens requires a big LED which then requires a big battery.

I recommend this for $15.00
Get the 12 mode group option and select the 100%-20%-strobe group

Another great option for $30. 3 clicks to strobe. 2 clips to turbo. Super bright.

This does look really good actually I've just bought the SC28 from Amazon. The control system is just no good I think this new model has a much better system. The design is absolutely fantastic really grippy. But the problem with the 28 is that you have to cycle to get the stroke there is no direct access or the light has to be in on already. The major plus point is that you can put it on a mode which you can give it to kids and it limits the output so they won't hurt themselves.
It's a dumb way of typing "leet" which is a stupid way of typing elite.

That's good stuff. Next thing you know there will be a post how the Seals carry a G19, and a link to order maritime cups.

There's a lot of 1337s in my area…most of the hog hunters have thermal imaging and silencers.
The Fenix TK20R V2.0 has a 3000 lumen strobe mode with an instant access button on the tail, but as others have mentioned, I don't know how far that gets you in a self defense situation, especially in daytime. Depends on the actual situation ... up close, it could buy you a few seconds to hit someone upside the head with something, or to take off running, I suppose.

This was going to be my recommendation with a warning NOT to get the UE variation of this same light, as the 2nd button is replaced by a rotating mechanical switch. Won't get into it, but there's issues with that switch.

Then I would have mentioned how silly it is getting a flashlight for self-defense while relying on the light output itself to stop an attacker. You want self-defense with a flashlight? Get a clip-carried 2AAA penlight with a good grip and a slightly scalloped bezel. Use the flashlight as a hammer-fist enhancer with the bezel protruding out the bottom of your fist. I recommend the Powertac Sabre.

Ironically both the Fenix and the Powertac models mentioned are excellent flashlights in their own regards for use as simply flashlights. With the Powertac being a long-time personal EDC of mine due to its reliability, output, ability to run on not just alkaline batteries. Plus its unique feature of being able to be unscrewed in two spots and then the top and bottom being able to be screwed together without the middle. Thus, turning it into a single-AAA flashlight. Handy in an extreme emergency when the batteries inside the light are dead, and you can only find one working AAA cell.

But yeah, no need for that strobe foolishness. Anyone who doesn't want to use a gun or is legally prohibited from doing so. Get a larger than keychain-sized canister of Pepperspray (not mace), with a carry clip on it; and use that instead.