Best place to buy primary 123s


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 29, 2004
I want to know where the best place to buy primaries are.

Is Surefire the best?

I don't really want exploding cells.:) I will be using these in lights that use two at a time.
Most are made by the same company and are the same battery with a different sticker. Go with any name brand for quality (IE Rayovac, SureFire, Energizer, Duracell...)
I recommend BatteryStation cells with the CPF discount.
Stick with Energizer or SureFire and you won't go wrong.

SureFire are cheapset at LL Bean. They're running a deal right now were you get a $10 gift card with a $50 purchase. The shipping isn't free right now like it was over Christmas, but still a pretty good deal at $20 per box, considering you'll get the gift card. Search around and you might be able to find a free shipping coupon code.
I would consider the data from SilverFox:

and then keep in mind the current draw for the flashlight you are using to select the "best" 123A primaries for your application. For example, in a SureFire 6P with P60 lamp or a Deal Extreme 6090 LED drop-in, I would look at the top performers in SilverFox's 1.0A test.
I would consider the data from SilverFox:

and then keep in mind the current draw for the flashlight you are using to select the "best" 123A primaries for your application. For example, in a SureFire 6P with P60 lamp or a Deal Extreme 6090 LED drop-in, I would look at the top performers in SilverFox's 1.0A test.
from what I understand most of the major brands are panasonic. find a good deal on those and you'll be all set.

I usually find energizer or duracell for just under $10 per 2 pack at Wal-mart, Lowes, or Home Depot.

I don't think there's too much difference between name brands, but if they explode, I want to sue someone with money.
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I usually find energizer or duracell for just under $10 per 2 pack at Wal-mart, Lowes, or Home Depot.

Order them online, and save $$$$. Lighthound sells Streamlight CR123a for $1.50/ea., Energizer CR123a for $1.75/ea. and Surefire CR123a for $1.99/ea. Prices are lower per battery the more you order.
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Don't forget Panasonic batteries at with the CPF8 coupon code and free shipping! ;)

Hmmm. I'll remember that when I order form them next. If I get 16, that's not a bad deal. Heck, with the dozen Surefires I have now, I'll never need to get CR123s again. Well, they'll die on the shelf before I use them all, so I guess in about 12 years or so, I'll have to. But by then, LEDs and lithium batteries will probably be obsolete.