Best place to buy various colors Mag C lights?


Mar 25, 2008
Just like the title says, where can I find the best place online to purchase various colors in the Mag C size? All of my searches brings me to only black and grey. Are there any sites out there that has more color options available?
Good luck finding "C" M@Gs in colors. Current production is limited to black and a dark metallic gray at least in the US. Keep checking the CPF marketplace folks often sell various M@Gs there, you may find what you're looking for.
There was a website whose name escapes me at the moment, but they did sale colored C mags. When I say did, I mean they had them listed until you put them in your cart and then the quantities vanish. :thinking:
It dosen't make sense to me why mag produce's a wide range of colors for nearly every AAA, AA and D cell light they make, yet make so little colors for the C cells, and make the limited colored lights so extremely hard to find.
It dosen't make sense to me why mag produce's a wide range of colors for nearly every AAA, AA and D cell light they make, yet make so little colors for the C cells, and make the limited colored lights so extremely hard to find.
I think it has something to do with demand. I'm pretty sure that, if we were able to look at the numbers, the C-cell lights don't move very well compared to the rest of the line. Look at the prices. Pay a few dollars more and you can get the D-cell lights and have about double the run time for the same cell count. Why hasn't Mag ever released an LED version of the C-cell lights? Probably because the bean counters deemed it a lost cause and more trouble than it's worth. Remember that the people who buy these lights are not flashaholics and probably don't care about the better fit in our hands, better compatibility with different Li-Ion cells, etc.
I think it has something to do with demand. I'm pretty sure that, if we were able to look at the numbers, the C-cell lights don't move very well compared to the rest of the line. Look at the prices. Pay a few dollars more and you can get the D-cell lights and have about double the run time for the same cell count. Why hasn't Mag ever released an LED version of the C-cell lights? Probably because the bean counters deemed it a lost cause and more trouble than it's worth. Remember that the people who buy these lights are not flashaholics and probably don't care about the better fit in our hands, better compatibility with different Li-Ion cells, etc.

I thought of that after I posted. I actually like the C cell lights, I don't own any but my brother does. They are just as bright as the D cells, they just don't last as long, but they are much smaller and lighter. I have only seen C cell mags in one store, home depot, and even then the only one they had was a 2C, so the selection out there is very slim.
I recall a thread someone started soon after I found CPF. It was all about the virtues of the C-sized Maglites. I bought a couple, and then bought a couple of the then recently-released MagLED drop-ins. Still have both lights. Used one for work during my night shift patrols. Never let me down, and I was able to get free C cells at work. Far more comfortable to hold than a D-sized Maglite. As for runtime, that work-light saw nightly use for over two hours each night. Went strong for a handful of months before the batteries needed replacing.
Those are the ones I am after.

They don't seem to carry them at the Canadian Home Depots.
The purples show up around here really sporadically. (Pewter/gray, on the other hand, is pretty common.) My local HD didn't have any purples for a couple years, and then a fresh case showed up one day last fall. Of course, as soon as it was mentioned on CPF, they disappeared. :)
I would give my left testicle for a purple 2C Mag :D

I have a cut down purple Mag 1C that Im saving for a special build ;)
Go to the CPF special deals section and look up the following under They may have some varieties of mag lights since that is what they specialize in. Good luck.
Did this build some time ago. You can anodize it by yourself.
dsci1351smallCJN8E.jpg had the purple 2Cs for a while but they only list black currently.They do carry a wide selection of Maglites so it is worthwhile to check on occasion.
I have e-mailed Maglite in the past about different color C-cell lights and thier response was more or less that there wasn't enough demand to justify the cost.? Most retailers do not carry the C-cell Mags so demand is never likely to be high with consumers.IIRC when this discussion came up in the past it was mentioned that a retailer/distributer would have to order a large number of C-cells in a given color (10,000 or some such quantity) in order for Mag to produce them.Alas I don't know the source of that info. so I can't verify it but it seems to make sense.
The C-Mags are far and away my favorite Maglites.
Perhaps we should band together and request color C-Mags from a large retailer like Target or Home Depot?:candle: If you do find C-Mags in color I strongly suggest you buy them when you see them........and don't forget to tell the rest of us where you found them!!! :D
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For me, I can get these bored really easily so they make great hosts for AW IMR 26500's or 26650's. I love a ROP in the 2C size light, very useful and easy to carry size.