BEST PRICE ON FENIX E01? + good edc


Newly Enlightened
Jun 7, 2009
so i am going to be leading a boy scout troop in about 2 weeks on a camping trip and my son and two of his buddies want fenix e01's after seeing mine. i thought i had seen them on for $9.??
early last week but went on there to order them ant they were $11.??. just wondering where the cheapest place to order a few of these would be in the $9-$11 range?? thanks. also, i am new to candlepower forums and all and am looking for a decent edc light here are my parameters--$40 +/- price cap, 3-5" long, with a build in clip and preferably running off AAA's or AA and nothing with a rediculously short run time. thx guys!
Fenix L1T V2.0

Two modes, and a low thats good for most tasks, and high for everything else.
Runs on 1 AA, and is one of the better built lights for $45 (Coupon code: CPF8)

Edit: Whoops, I didnt see that you wanted a clip, It doesnt have one, but it has an excellent belt holster.
The Proton Pro might be a good choice for you (the red led could come in handy for outdoor use/camping, etc.). I know cfrlights sells them (with 5% off code cpf2009, you are just slightly over your limit).
cfrlights has the best price around for the Proton Pro, even without the discount code.